Panic attack - Bellamy

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You lay in your cot looking up at the ceiling of your tent. You could feel your heart squeezing in your chest as your breaths are cut short. You feel your hands start to shake as you look towards the entrance, Bellamy walks in. "I swear I'm going to kill one of these sons of bi-" He looks at you and rushes to your side as you start to cry. "What's going on?" You point to your throat "I can't br-breathe." He sits beside you and rubs your back. "Hey it's okay. What happened?" You think about your brother Jasper who had been hit by a spear. "J- Ja- Jasper" he frowns and holds your hand. "Its okay love Jasper is with Clarke, he will be okay." You start to breathe quickly and heavily. You start to shake violently as he gets worried even more. "Hey baby, come on stop, your going to hurt yourself." He holds you in his chest and strokes your hair. Your chest hurts as you cry into his chest. "Relax, breathe." He rubs your arms and pulls you backwards. "Everything will be okay." He kisses your forehead as you lays you down slowly. He lies beside you and rubs your thigh. "Your okay baby." He kisses your ear as you smile. "I'm sorry." He shakes his head. "Don't be, just go to sleep. You'll feel better after." You snuggle into him and close your eyes and your chest relaxes and you breath goes back to normal.

A/n: Sorry the story is very short, I didn't have much of an idea for this but I promised @AlohaStitch0626 that I would update so this one if for you:)) sorry if it's bad

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