How you help each other

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You and Bellamy help each other with leadership. It can be a lot for one person to deal with so the two of you split up the work evenly and help run the camp smoothly. You keep each other focused and make sure you put the safety of the camp first. 


You and Murphy keep each other calm. Seeings how you and Murphy are literally the same person just different genders it doesn't seem to far fetched that you both get angry easily and fast. You both are the only ones that can calm each other down and stop each other from starting fights. You keep each other grounded and the camp is a much better place because of that. 


You and Jasper help keep each others faith. Sometimes each of you will doubt yourself or doubt the way you live but you help each other to restore that faith when its needed. You keep each others heads up high, and make sure that neither of you have doubts to often. 


You and Monty help each other with medical and technology emergencies. Since both you and Monty are the only super geniuses you are the only ones who can help each other in a need of emergencies. You work well together and know how to help, and how to stay out of the way. You have a system together and it never fails.


You and Finn help each other in fights. You trust one and other more then anyone else. Which means you are able to focus on the fight and know that both of you have each others backs and won't let anything happen to one and other. 

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