Library buddies ~ John Murphy

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You and John Murphy never talked, never liked each other, never cared about each other until one day in the Library on the Ark. (Not sure if there was one but this is fan fiction so use your imagination) 

I sigh as I set my art books down on the table. My parents started fighting again so the library was my place to do my work. Drawing always helped in these times, times were I wishes my real parents weren't dead. My dad was floated and my mother died after birth, I was adopted into a family that hates each other but loves me. I guess I should be thankful but I'm not. I start sketching people in my book. I look up and see a familiar face. I almost laugh out loud when I noticed John Murphy reading. I try not to laugh or say a word but I can't help it. I look at my book and start sketching him. He has his right leg over his left knee, his arm holding up his head, and his book just below his chest. I continue to sketch when I notice he's looking at me. My face flushes and he smirks. "Like what you see?" I swallow and look down. "Y/n right?" I nod. "Yeah we have class together. Not like you noticed." I raise an eyebrow. "Excuse me?" He puts his book down and walks towards me. "I've sat behind you for like a year." I laugh. "John Murphy I've noticed you. I chose not to speak to you." He makes a face as if he's offended then looks at my book. "What's that?" I hold it closer to me. "You can show me. I won't laugh." He looks serious and for some reason I trust him. I open my book and show him. "Whoa, that's me." He says this like a statement then a question. "yeah. I hope you don't mind..." He shakes his head. "Nope." He flips through them and tells me how good they are. 

"Would you like to finish the one of me?" I grin and nod. "Okay." He hands me back my book and sits down in the same position. He makes jokes and crackles me up. I tell him to shush and so does everyone else. Once I'm done I admire it before showing him. "Damn. Not half bad." I smile and tare it out of my book. He looks confused and a little hurt. "Here." I pass it to him and he actually smiles. "Thank you." We start to walk towards the doors. "Well, I'll see you in class." He nods and we walk our separate ways. 

Maybe John Murphy wasn't such a bad kid.    

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