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"adelaide, use the pink instead. it'll pop more." colby laughed, handing me the pink spray paint bottle.

i laughed as well, shaking up the pink bottle of paint and popping the lid.

it was pitch black in the room, colbys phone light being the only thing i could see. we were in an abandoned building, in which we knew nothing about the history of, nor did we care.

we had been drinking back at his place and one thing led to another and now we're in an abandoned building, spray painting the wall.

"do you hear that?" i asked, looking over to my boyfriend. it sounded like police sirens.

"i don't hear anything, babe." colby told me.

i shrugged it off and continued to right the l in xplr.

"beverly hills police force. drop any weapons and put your hands in the air." i heard someone yell, opening one of the doors.

"adelaide, drop the can." colby instructed. i did and then put my hands in the air.

an officer came in and shined his light at us.

"what're you two doing in here?" he asked.

"we were just exploring." colby explained as another officer joined him.

"what about the wet spray paint behind you?" he asked.

how did i get myself into this? 'let's do something fun' just turned into 'we're getting arrested'

"it was just for fun man, come on." colby said.

"you do realize that is vandalism, correct, son?"

"i did it. she didn't. i asked her to come with me but she wasn't apart of it." he 'confessed' which was a lie and i glanced over to him and i could tell he had his 'shut the fuck up im saving your ass' look.

"you're coming with me." the officer said.

the other officer grabbed my arm, very aggressively, to lead me out of the building.

"don't fucking touch her like that." colby growled at the way the officer fairly aggressively grabbed my arm.

"colby..." i said, nervous that he would get into more trouble.

the other officer turned colby around, against the wall and cuffed him, making me gasp.

they led us out of the room and outside to the cop cars.

"alright, you're free to go." the man told me. i could see the relief on colbys face at the fact that they weren't taking me.

"what about him?" i asked.

"we're taking him in for vandalism." the officer told me.

"i'll get you out, i promise." i told colby, getting anxious. he nodded to me as they pushed him into the car.

we had brought colbys car and i thankfully had his keys so i grabbed them out of my pocket and shoved it into the ignition.

i waited for a few minutes before whipping his car into reverse and driving down to the police station.

i was super anxious about the situation.

i pulled into the police station and grabbed my purse before getting out of the car.

i took the long way here since i knew they would be sending colby through the system.

"hello, how may i help you?" the lady at the front asked me.

"hi... can i speak with chief lockwood?" i requested. my dad is really good friends with chief lockwood... which i didn't realize would come in such handy.

"um... yeah. i can get him for you." she told me, walking away.

"oh adelaide! what a surprise.... what brings you here?" he asked.

"well, you see, my friend and i were at an abandoned building and he... uh spray painted a wall and they let me go but took him. i would like him back." i laughed.

"what's the name?" he asked.

"cole robert brock." i told him.

"it's a $2,000 bond but i can drop the charge if you sign this form." he told me. i quickly signed it and he informed me that it would be an hour till colby was allowed to come out.

he instructed me to a waiting room for lawyers and important personnel rather than the one with people handcuffed to chairs.

i waited for two and a half hours before i saw colby walking down the hall. i got up and practically sprinted to him, running into his arms and giving him a huge hug.

"are you okay? what happened in there?" i asked him, freaking out.

"i'm fine babe. we can talk about it later." he smiled, kissing me.

"why'd you save my ass?" i asked him. how did he know what to tell them to save me.

"because i love you. and in jail, we would have been separated from each other because you're obviously female, which means that i wouldn't have been able to protect you. and who would bail me out if i didn't have you?" he told me.

"that's so sweet. i'm so happy that youre okay. i was so worried." i explained to him

"i'm fine baby. they just let me off with a charge." he explained.

"well i guess we should head back home." i told him. it was 2am since i had to wait so long for them to release him.

"yeah... you've got my keys?" he asked... i nodded and tossed them to him so he could drive.

we got back to colbys house and automatically just went up to colbys room and crashed.

colby brock imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن