he helps your daughter with homework

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"violet, it's the same as the last question." i heard colby say to our daughter. "you have to subtract from both sides."

"what're you guys working on?" i asked them. they were doing homework at the counter in the kitchen.

"math." they both responded in unison. i gently rolled my eyes at their bluntness. like father like daughter.

"no, vee. you have to take it from the other side." i heard him tell her.

"dad, i don't get this." she huffed, putting her face into her hands. they had been doing the same assignment for nearly an hour.

"why don't you guys take a break. we could go get ice cream or something." i suggested.

"what do you say, vi?" colby asked our 15 year old daughter.

"i guess... maybe i'll have banks help me with the homework. dad isn't doing a very good job." violet joked. banks is jake and taras 15 year old daughter.

"go ask ashton if he wants to go." i told her. ashton is our oldest child... hes 16. "you can invite banks, luke and kai if you'd like." i told her. luke is jake and taras 16 year old son. and then kai is sam and kats 15 year old son.

"okay. i'll be back." she said, heading up the stairs.

"how's the math homework going?" i asked colby, sitting down next to him at the island.

"i barely know what i'm doing but she's even more clueless." he told me with a laugh.

"she'll probably just ask banks to help her since they share the class... looks like you're off the hook." i smiled.

"hopefully." he laughed.

super short chapter, sorry :)

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