you have to take care of your siblings

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"shawn, can you watch halle and dylan while i go get a shower?" i asked my younger brother.

"ask hudson, i'm going to work." he told me, running to the door.

"he's not home." i told him.

"ask rhett then. why right now anyways?" he asked.

"colby is coming over." i told him.

"lovely." he said, rolling his eyes and walking out the door.

with my mom working all the time and my dad being a deadbeat, the only thing i seem to have time for is babysitting my younger siblings. my brother, shawn, is 17. my brother hudson is 16. my sister, camille is 16. my brother rhett is 14. and then halle is 8 and dylan is 6. so with 6 siblings that you take care of, you don't have much time for yourself.

"rhett?" i yelled up the stairs.

"what?" he yelled back.

"can you watch halle and dylan? i promise it'll only be half an hour." i told him.

"okay." he sighed.

we don't have it too bad... we have enough money for bills, food and clothes but it doesn't stretch far beyond that. between my mom and i, we make enough to keep everything running. shawn puts in some work as well. rhett and hudson both help when they can and camille as well.

"thank you." i smiled. "if the oven goes off, get the lasagna out please." i told him, running up the stairs.

rhett tends to help me out the most around the house. shawn helps out a lot too but more so with money than the kids.


"camille, can you get that?" i yelled down the stairs as i brushed my teeth. colby just rang the doorbell.

"hey colby, adelaide is upstairs." she told him.

"thanks. do you guys have anything to do tonight?" colby asked my younger siblings.

"just watching halle and dylan... the usual." camille trailed off, making me sigh. i wish i could make life better for them.

"here's 30 bucks, order a pizza tonight." he told her, making me smile. he's so sweet and caring towards my family. i feel bad that he does so much for us, no matter how much i protest it.

"hey, sorry i was getting ready." i laughed as i stumbled down the stairs slightly.

"don't sweat it. you ready to go?" he asked.

"yes. but i can't stay out past 8. the kids have school tomorrow." i admitted to him.

"of course." he smiled, grabbing my hand.

"so where to?" i asked him as i sat in the passenger seat of his car.

"i was thinking we could go for a nice dinner... i don't think we'll have time for a movie." he said, looking at the clock.

"i know. i'm sorry." i sighed.

"don't worry about it, babe. i know how important they are to you." he shot me a smile.

"thanks for understanding. i know it really sucks that i'm so inconvenient." i laughed.

"you are not." he laughed. "do you need help with anything this week?" he asked. he asks me this every week and he always gets the same answer.

"i'm not going to ask you for money, colby. i'll manage." i told him with a smile.

"never hesitate to ask me though. i just want to make sure you're taken care of and that your siblings have everything they need." he told me.

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