Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"I had fun Y/n." We stood at the entrance of my parents' house saying our goodbyes.

"I had fun too," I reply. Our coffee date had gone as smooth as it could ever be. I learned a lot more about Hoseok and he learned a lot more about me and my situation.

"See you around!" I say, beginning to turn towards the door.

"Wait!" he exclaims. I feel a hand tug at my arm before I get pulled back towards him. My mind doesn't even process the next 5 seconds as I feel his lips press up against my cheek. He pulls back and smiles so brightly I swear he could be the replacement for the sun.

"See you!" He quickly shuffles away leaving me speechless at the door.

"Cute." I mutter to myself as I proceed to walk into the house.

I set my things down on the couch and start scrolling through my feed, seeing if there's anything interesting going on. My screen goes black for a second before appearing with an unknown caller ID. I open the call.

"Hello is this Miss Kim Y/n?" asks a voice.

"Yes? And who's calling?" I ask, waiting for a response.

"My name is Kim Namjoon. I was Mr. Kim Seojoon's estate planning attorney in the process of creating his will and distributing inheritances.The court will be going through the probation process shortly to soon distribute the inheritances to all the beneficiaries."

There's a slight pause before continuing, "Ms. Kim Y/n when do you plan on leaving?" he asks.

"Um..In a couple weeks. Is there any problem?" I ask slightly confused. I hear a sigh from the other side of the line.

"Miss I suggest you prepare for a more permanent trip back here. I am not suppose to say much but Mr. Seojoon has left a significant amount of assets in your name."

Assets? Why would my brother leave me anything? Last time I remember we were at each other's wits end.

"I'm afraid I don't understand. Could you please explain further?" I ask

"I'm deeply sorry Miss but the court will notify you when the will has been examined. Have a good day."

The call cuts off and I am left dumbfounded. What have I gotten myself into?

8 months later

I get home from work and my apartment is a mess. Clothes littered everywhere. The trash not taken out. Dishes cluttered in the sink.

Man I should really clean this place up.

I took up 2 more jobs to pay for my college debt and I am still broke as I was. I went to art school and started selling commissions, but not many have been selling. With bills that I needed to pay I decided to take a break from drawing and focus on getting food on my plate. Part of me wishes I took those cash payments from my brother when he was still alive, but I have to remind myself I made the right decision. My phone starts ringing.

"Hello" I begin while removing my shoes and walking inside. I throw my bag on the couch and look for the TV remote but something stops me.

"I what?" I ask again thinking I heard something incorrectly.

"As a beneficiary of Mr. Seojoon's will, Mr. Seojoon's estate as well as most of his physical assets will be transferred to your account along with 60 percent of his wealth."

"You have to be kidding me," I say frustrated out loud without realizing it.

There is a light chuckle on the other side of the line, "On the contrary Miss Y/n. It was determined that you were to inherit as stated prior, assets and portion of wealth, while your parents will receive the other remaining portion"

I think for a moment. This could be a fresh start. No string attached type of opportunity.I look over at the dusty canvases laying on the floor of my apartment.

No no no. I can't

"What if I don't accept."

Theres a pause. "...The assets will be passed along to another recipient. I'm guessing Mrs. and Mr. Kim." I think hard to myself. Should I really give this up? Is this the right decision?

"Miss Y/n. If I may," says the voice, "Although I was just his attorney, me and Seojoon did have quite a few chats and conversations off the record. I know he held some regret inside of him. I know that even with the choices he made...he still thought of who he used to be." I listened carefully trying to understand what Mr. Namjoon was saying.

"Most of all. He regretted leaving you," My eyes widen. There was no way. How could he.."And I think this was his way of giving back all his regrets. It was his final wish."

The image of my own brother who I've hated all my life started to crumble inside me. I was so set on hating him all these years. I guess it never occurred to me that he's gone.

"Miss Y/n?"

"Yes. Sorry. Continue"

"I would really hope you would accept this gift. It was his last wish."

His last wish. He could've done anything with his money and riches. He could've given it to anybody. But he didn't. He gave it to you. And you're throwing it away...

I think for another moment before making up my mind. This has to be the craziest thing I've done.

"When is the next flight?"

Inheritance - PJM ✓Where stories live. Discover now