Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

"Be careful with your actions, hybrid. It could cost you her life."

I gasp as I feel the sharp edge of a knife being pressed against my collarbone. Jimin's eyes widen before he starts tugging at his restraints.

Reluctantly, he moves forward. Two men trail behind him making sure he's secure while another shoves me forward along with them. We walk further into the crumbling building. Caution signs litter the site, warning us of gaping holes and the general instability of this place.

A loud bang echoes from behind us. The men look at each other in shock before hurrying us forward.

"How did they get here so fast!" One of them growls.

"Damn ghosts. We need to get the money now," replies another.

Gunshots can be heard from behind us. I didn't dare look back. The shouts and screams are enough to keep my eyes forward.

After passing many warning signs we stop at a dead end. The lack of moonlight made it difficult to see. More concrete crumbles from the ceiling, falling on our heads.

"So where is it hybrid!" one of the men hisses.

He tugs the gag out of his mouth and Jimin gasps from relief.

"Behind those covers," Jimin hoarsely replies. His voice sounds so exhausted and pained.

He makes eye contact with me once. I can see the utter terror and guilt for a split second before he turns his head away from me and faces towards the ground

The covers are forcefully ripped off the wall and thrown to the side. The faint outline of a door blends into the walls. A rushed hand tugs on the locked door.

"What's the passcode!"

Jimin shuts his eyes, "I-," he turns his head to the side trying to remember.

The man holding onto me lifts up his knife, pointing it directly at my neck. The knife quivers in anticipation as it grazes my skin.

"Jimin!" I cry out, feeling the blade brush past my neck.

His eyes shoot open, noticing the knife lightly trace my skin.

"We're running out of time, freak!"

Jimin breath quickens in fear, "Try 3950394." He can't look away from me as the knife dances up my arm.

Gunshots seem to be louder, the clash of the two gangs moving closer towards us. The man greedily punches in the numbers, but nothing seems to happen.

A hand tugs at Jimin's hair, forcing his head up. Tears begin to cloud my vision, the loud bullets slowly approaching our location.

"395-0395!" Jimin stammers. He tugs against his restraints, but the man pulls harder and an excruciating cry of pain leaves Jimin's lips.

My heart pounds violently in my chest, the noise reaching my ears. The grip on me tightens and I choke out another sob. They try the numbers again, but nothing happens again.

A prickling sensation cuts into my skin. My voice returns to me turning into an agonizing scream as blood begins to drip down the side of my arm. The numb feeling sends my mind into panic. I tug against the hold they have on me, but the knife cuts deeper.

"No! Please! Please stop, she doesn't deserve this! I'm the one who should be in pain!" Jimin thrashes about, pleading for them to stop.

The man at the door steps closer to me. A large hand reaches for my throat, nearly lifting me off the ground. I struggle against the grip around my neck. My lungs spasm from the lack of oxygen.

Inheritance - PJM ✓Where stories live. Discover now