Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Frustrated hands shove me forward, a death grip crushing my wrists together. The tight fabric of the blindfold presses into my skin, leaving red marks on my face. Occasionally, I would trip over my feet, causing the man behind me to slap my face until there were purple and blue bruises.

"Can't you walk properly!" He pushes me forward.

I crash into the floor, groaning from the impact. The man quite easily pulls me to my feet as we continue walking in an unknown direction.

"Maybe if I could see, then I wouldn't be tripping on my feet," I grumble.

I feel a limb slide in front of my leg, my shoulder slamming against the floor once again.

"Bitch," He swears.

A rough hand pulls the fabric off my eyes. The blinding lights from the building caused white and blue spots to blur my vision. A throbbing headache pounds into my skill as I try to adjust my eyes.

From beside me, I hear a threatening growl. Several hands held onto Jimin's restrained body, making sure he couldn't escape easily. Tight leather binds his wrists and arms behind his back, and a gag is wrapped around his head, preventing any words from leaving his mouth.

His pupils dilate, eyes frantically searching the room.

A hand grabs onto his hair on the back of his head.

"Stop, you're hurting him!" I plea, but they ignore me and continue to force Jimin to submit to their will.

"Aish, this is taking too long. Just shock the bastard already." The man near me complains.

"Wait!" I cry, "Please, just wait!"

I look Jimin in the eyes while more hands hold onto him, "Jimin, please stop struggling. Please, I don't want to see them electrocute you."

A pained growl leaves his lips while I beg on the floor. His eyes don't leave mine and eventually, they force him still.

"Ah, you guys are leaving so soon?"

I see the creature stalk up to us, exchanging glances with the men holding us down.

"We're just following orders," somebody replies.

He laughs, "Of course, of course. Just like little pet snakes following orders from their master."

Some scoffs and faint chuckles come from the gang members. The monster gazes down at the two of us with a long smile spread across its face.

"It's a shame. I thought we could have some fun with you, Jimin. Imagine the sight on her face if we could pump you with toxins."

Jimin growls through the gag, almost lunging forward towards the creature. I still couldn't look away from the wolf-like creature hungrily staring me down.

A glint shines in his eyes, suddenly taking a few steps closer to me. I scramble back, but his claws dig into my thighs, bright red blood dripping down my legs.

Jimin tries to reach me, but somebody pushes his back to the floor, stepping over his chest so he couldn't get up, his hands still tied behind him.

A painful gasp escapes my lips while the monster leans a little closer.

"You remind me of a little girl I saw once. She has the biggest eyes and the smallest face. The taste of her blood was so sweet, and the screams of the neighbors made it that more enjoyable."

"You-you killed those people. You murdered that whole neighborhood." He digs his claws deeper, and a tight yell escapes from my throat.

"Murder is a strong word." He hums, "I was playing a sport."

"What kind of sick hybrid are you?" He lets go of legs, only to tower over me.

"Sick? No, no, I'm quite alive. The others were sick. They failed the experiments. They were the sick ones."

Several vehicles pull into the side of the driveway right outside the doors. They start pulling us up and away.

The pain from my legs jolted up my hips. I could only limp in the direction they wanted me to go. The creature chuckles from behind us, but I can't bring myself to face him again.

They throw us into the back of a covered truck. Immediately, the men lock the doors from the outside while a few of the men hold on to us. Jimin sits directly in front of me as his head hangs low in pain.

After a few hours of numbness, a phone rings from the men beside us.

"What!? Dammit! Somebody leaked our information!" My head lifts, as I try to listen to the conversation, "We're still ahead of those Ghosts. They won't make it in time to grab the money. By the time they get there, it'll just be a plain old abandoned construction site."

The call ends, and I lower my head again, waiting for the aching pain to disappear.

Several hours pass and the vehicle eventually halts to a stop. Jimin's ears flatten against his head as the doors of the truck rattle open.

"Bring them out!"

My feet stop in front of a gigantic concrete structure, unfinished and nearly falling apart. More and more cars line up. Dangerous people with weapons of varying size and accuracy crowd near the entrance.

"My, my."

The man beside me grins towards us, "I would've never thought your brother hid all that money right under our very feet."

"What are you talking about?" I spit back.

He chuckles, "Judging from the look on your hybrid's face, I'm guessing he's been here before."

Jimin stares down the entrance of the abandoned construction site, reluctant to enter through the doors.

They move us forward, taking quick steps inside. Crumbles of stone and gravel land on our heads, and old light fixtures flicker in the dark.

"Seojoon used some of his buildings for people like us to transport, store, and sell substances. Those Crimson Ghosts kept him and his resources to themselves, but we offered a better deal for using his construction sites."

Jimin growls through the fabric, wishing the man would stop talking.

"Of course, things went down. People got hurt. Your brother was killed. And this place just disappeared off the map. Completely compromised," the man remarks.

My eyes shift back and forth. I let those words sink in as more questions filled my mind. The ashy dust suffocates my lungs and burns my eyes.

"Search this place!" someone yells, "We are not leaving till we have the money!"

One by one, the gang disperses, looking behind every wall in search of the hidden treasure. The man holding onto me tightens his grip on my hands.

"Half-breed," one of them walks up to Jimin, pulling him roughly by the chin.

"Where's the money?"

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We hit number 1 for #btsjimin!!!! Thank you guys so much for the support and love for this book. I really never thought so many people would read it and enjoy my stories.

This emotional rollercoaster is near its end.

Thank you for reading!

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