Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Present day

Jimin Pov.

I made a mistake.

I made a horrible horrible mistake.

Thunder and lightning roared through the sky. In the corner of the room I saw Y/n mother sobbing and her father trying to reason with her. My ears rang an awful tune making my head throb in pain.

My throat burned as I tried to hold back my tears. I let her go and I hated myself for it.

I hated myself so much.

My hands pulled at my hair as I felt myself breaking down. I had lost the one thing that mattered to me in my life. It was my fault. It was my fault. It was my fault.

"You did this!" shouts her father, "You made her leave! You took our daughter away!" I felt so distracted in my thoughts that I didn't see him marching towards me. The next minute I felt a burning sensation across the side of my face as he smacked me to the side. He gripped his fist around the front of my shirt and slammed me against the wall.

"I'm not stupid. I've seen the way you two stare at each other. How she spends all of her time with you. I should've thrown you out of this house from the beginning otherwise none of this would've happened!" He shouts at me as I look at him defeatedly. I deserved this anyway. I should've left, run away. She would've been safer that way.

He throws me to the ground and grabs the nearest object, which happened to be a wooden chair. Raising it in the air, he looks down at me with hatred. My head flinches to the side and my ears press back as I brace myself for the impact.

But it doesn't come.

"What are you doing!?"

I open my eyes and look at the person standing in front of me. I froze from the scene in front of me. Too afraid to do anything.

"It wasn't his fault."

Y/n's mother stands firmly in front of me, her husband frozen with the chair still in his grasp.

"This isn't right!" Her voice rang with so much strength and compassion. She defended me even though I practically ruined her. It was no wonder where Y/n got her strength from. It was a clear reflection of her mother standing in front of me.

Her father let out a scowl as he roughly tossed the chair to the side and walked away presumably to cool off somewhere. Her mother turned around and offered me a hand. I graciously took it as I got back on my feet.

"I'm sorry for that.." she said as she wiped her faded tears away. It made my heart melt from her kindness and I softly shook my head.

"I probably deserved it."

She looked at me with confusion as her hands held tightly onto mine. "No, you still have a chance," she says.

"A chance?"

She nods her head, "If you truly care about her like we do, you'll get her back. She couldn't have made it far yet." I hesitantly stood there. I wasn't sure what to do.

"I don't want to hurt her again." I replied heavily. I am the reason she's gone. I am the reason she hates me.

"She needs you Jimin. I know she does." Her all knowing eyes bore into mine, "You need her too. Both of you need each other."

I opened my mouth but no words came out. Can I really convince her to stay? Were those words exchanged between us hard truths or just white lies? Lies to protect one another from a fate so strong neither one of us really knew how to fight alone.

"Please Jimin," Her mother begs, "you can bring her back."

Thunder roared again as I made my decision. Racing to grab the keys, I hurry to drive to the airport.

My foot presses down on the accelerator almost constantly. Please get there on time! Please!

After swiftly parking the car I sprint through the rain and through the doors of the airport. Frantically, I look around in the crowd trying to find her. Some surprised faces noticed me as my soaking wet clothes dripped onto the floor.

"Where is your owner hybrid?" asks a security officer. He stops me in my tracks as I try to still look around.

"She's here! She should be boarding a flight soon!" My words spill out. The officer sarcastically nods his head while speaking to his intercom.

"..Hey, I'm at the southwest entrance. I might need some hybrid control. There's a stray in the building.."

"What no!"

I try to step around the man but he pushes me back, "You can't go past this point without your owner. I'm going to have to ask you to exit the building." I get cornered closer to the doors.

"Please! She's here, I know she is!" I look again for any sign of her. Other security officers come over to the commotion I was causing.

From the corner of my eye I recognize a familiar face. She stood there frustratedly looking at her flight ticket, her hand firmly clasped around her luggage.

"Y/n!" I yell. The officers start to drag me back, but I shout louder.

Her head turns in the direction of my voice as her eyes widen in shock. I shouted for her again. But she didn't move an inch. She just stared at me being pulled away. I got pushed further and further towards the doors.

No, no, no!

I painfully watched her turn away from me, refusing to acknowledge I was even there.

Y/n Pov.

"I'm sorry madam all the flights are delayed due to the storm."

I sighed as I looked at my watch. I need to leave before my parents start sending their bodyguards after me or even the police.

"I'll take any flight. Just please something that'll leave soon." Her fingers delicately tap the keyboard as I tap my feet impatiently.

"There's a flight leaving in two hours-"

I jump up, "Yes! Perfect! I'll take it!"

She hands me my ticket and I carefully look at it. I still had some time to sit around and wait. Busybodies hustled and moved through the crowded airport. Everyone seemed upset and frustrated because of the delayed flight as people waited in the shops and the seating areas. I checked the time again and looked in the direction of the gate.

I needed to start heading in as soon as I could. The further I got in, the hard it would be for anybody to follow me. I checked my ticket again, struggling to find the exact gate number in between the small print. My eyes furrow as I search carefully.


My head lifts up and I see the scene in front of the entrance of the airport. I freeze as I watch the security push back Jimin as he shouts my name. I can feel the tears brimming in my eyes as I watch painfully.

He desperately cries out for me, but I just stood there watching it all happen. What's wrong with me? I should be walking away. Watching will only make it worse.

My eyes follow down to the floor as I start to turn around. I try to hide the tears slipping down the side of my face.

"I'm sorry Y/n!" he begs, "Please! Please don't leave me! I'll tell you everything! Just please-"

My hand trembled on the handle of my luggage. I couldn't hold back. I felt the color drain from my face and my heart drop when he began to beg my name. I just couldn't take the aching feeling inside of me begging me to stay.

I couldn't take the pain anymore.

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