Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Jimin Pov.

8 years ago.


The sickening noise of the music shook the room I was in. I barely had any sleep. In fact, when was the last time I actually slept? The icy floor seeped into my skin as I struggled to keep warm. I tried to relax to even attempt to get some rest but it was as if my body knew that was a dangerous idea.

Now was not the time to sleep, yet I needed it so badly.

My head tucked into my knees as my arms and tail wrapped around my body. My shaky breath being the only source of heat in this stone cold room.

"You knew this was going to happen." says the voice next to me.

"I don't care." I mumble childishly.

"Ah tough one aren't ya, kid?" The hybrid in the cell next to me mocked me from across the room.

His snarky voice pissed me off the most while I've been stuck here. I've never had to deal with a hybrid as annoying as this dog next to me. His snarky comments and his smug attitude just made me want to rip his face off even more than I already do.

"Look, every time this happens you end right back to square one of your non existent hopes and dreams."

"I will get out!" I growl back, "The only non existent thing in this room is your actual concern for me."

"Hahaa you're right Blackout. I really don't care about what happens to you." He laughs with his stupid cackle causing a snarl to erupt from my throat.

"Don't call me that asshole!" I yell at him.

"What, Blackout? Little kitten doesn't like the name they've given him. Aww how precious." The dog laughs ludicrously while rolling on the floor.

I've never felt so strongly to beat up another hybrid until now as I glanced at him rolling on the floor laughing to himself.

"Hey! Quit making noises in there otherwise we will take you out!" Shouts a man from outside our cages. A small smirk appeared on my face but I was too worn out to feel anything more.

The dog shuts up his laughing and glares at me. My tail slightly swishes back and forth in satisfaction watching my cage mate get told off.

"Yeah yeah keep smiling like that and maybe you'll finally get sold."

I ignored the dog's remark as I silently sat in the cage. Every time I closed my eyes the music just seemed to get louder and louder. I tried pressing my ears back, but nothing seemed to stop the deafening noise.

A loud grumble comes from my stomach. I curl up even more trying to ignore the fact that they're trying to starve me.

From the far end of the hallway I pickup on strange voices. As they come closer their words become clearer.

"I'm so glad we could form this partnership Mr. Min. I'm sure many of our clients would love to purchase such exquisite and rare hybrids." The man's voice dripped with blood and greed as he spoke.

"Oh please! Once I heard the new shipment of these beauties came in, I knew exactly who to contact." My fist clenched as the old man spoke. He's the one who put me in this freezing cage with barely anything on while trying to starve me.

I continued following their voices as they got closer.

"Your son is simply the spitting image of you! What is your name young man?"

Inheritance - PJM ✓Where stories live. Discover now