Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Jimin pov. continued

8 years ago

"Hey! We need some more help over here!"

"Hurry hurry put the collar on!"

They came rushing into my cage as they tried to restrain me. I managed to shake a couple off, but eventually more came and overpowered me. My body was slammed to the ground as they finally tied my hands and forced a collar to snap over my neck.

They all took a step back as I tried to get back up.


An electrifying shock stuns my body as I jerk to the ground. I shouted and growled at them as much as I could, but tears of pain still managed to escape my eyes.

"Careful boys!" I hear the old man's voice from the hallway. I felt the strong urge to snap his head off of his body. "We don't wanna damage any of our money-makers now do we?"

I push myself off the floor again, trying to charge at the old man, but another shock sends me straight to the ground. Again I try to push myself up, but the shocks cease to stop till I'm screaming in pain on the floor. The men pull me up as my body trembles from the shocks.

The old man grabs my chin while staring into my eyes, "I can't wait until I can get rid of you, you son of a bitch."

Before I even have a chance to fight back at him, I'm shoved along to where all the other hybrids are. I tug at the restraints all over me but nothing seems to budge. All the other hybrids were being cleaned up and groomed nicely so that they had their best chance at being sold at tonight's show.

A groomer decided it was a "smart" idea to try to fix me, but I instantly snarled at him as he got closer. He must've been new at his job because he instantly jumped back in fear holding his breath.

"What's going on here?"

My head turns towards the familiar voice. It was the young man from before. He was dressed more formally in a suit this time while discussing important matters with the other employees.

"Blackout is too aggressive to handle right now, Mr. Yoongi. Boss told us to just throw him out there last." says one of the men holding on to me. My ears pressed back as I hissed in annoyance.

The young man walked close to me. He was only a little taller than me, but he radiated authority and power just like his father. He looked me in the eyes as I let out a pained growl. I saw his eyes glaze over the massive collar around my neck. He frowns for just a second but returns to his normal emotionless expression.

"They need to clean you up," he explains softly. My ears lift up to his sudden change of tone, "They won't shock you if you follow orders."

I mutter, "I'm tied up against my own will and you tell me I should submit?" My teeth clenched tightly. He was just like the rest of them. Power hungry low lives who just wanna take advantage of creatures like me.

He looked at me with sympathy, but continued to convince me nonetheless. "Listen, the faster you'll get sold, the faster you'll get to leave this place and live with someone that will actually take care of you." I looked at him with complete disbelief.

"Your life will have meaning, Jimin. I promise you that."

"Auction will start in 10 minutes!" says the announcer. We heard the voices of the potential buyers gathering in the private hall.

I let out a sigh and dip my head down. The young man nods to the others holding on to me tightly.

"But Mr. Yoongi-"

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