Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

I brushed my hair away as I filled up the bowl in the bathroom sink. It was way past midnight and Jimin's temperature had risen and plummeted several times into the night. I brushed the loose strands of hair covering my face. My eyes meet my reflection in the mirror.

I looked awful with exhausted bags under my eyes. A mess.

After filling the bowl up I rushed back over to where he was. Sweat dripped down his forehead from his body constantly overheating. He looked extremely uncomfortable in his sleep as I heard a small wheeze from his chest.

I placed the cool towel on his forehead and I carefully sat on the edge of the bed. His face looked exhausted and worn out just like mine. We were both wrecks. The guilt seeped into my heart as I noticed him uncomfortably shift in his sleep.

So much has happened in the past day. It was just yesterday I thought everything was fine. I mistook the silence for something it was not. I ignored all the warnings. And I was so stupid.

So stupid for thinking I was safe back then.

So stupid for thinking I could just leave like that.

I feel like a coward. Too weak to protect the people I care about.

I heard quiet mumbles coming from the hybrid in front of me. He looked like he was murmuring something in his sleep, but only incoherent words came out. As I looked at him curled up against the sheets I realized how much I cared for him. In just a few months we've both come so close to each other.

All those times we stayed up watching movies and eating ice cream. Those days when he'd come and watch me paint for hours on end and lecture me to take a break. The days I felt bored and started to bother him in that library. All those moments when we would comfort each other from the sinful whispers of the outside world. How I constantly felt the need to save him from whatever past he's lived.

For the hundredth time today, I felt my tears rising. My emotions were all over the place.

All those good days came to a screeching halt. All because of you. You couldn't keep it together. You panicked at the worst possible moment and ruined everything. You threw away everything like that. You threw him away so easily like none of those days mattered.

Such a pathetic owner you are.

I pressed my hand to my mouth trying to muffle my cries, "I-I'm so sorry Jimin." Small hiccups escape me, but I continue on with my confession.

"I-I don't deserve you. *hic* I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for everything. I *hic* didn't mean anything I said. I'm s-sorry." My eyes clouded up from my tears, my sobs becoming harder to hush. It was no longer raining outside. Only soft breezy winds moved through the windows. I sat there mumbling apologies after apologies, tears trickling down the side of my face.

The bed shifted slightly again. I blinked my eyes a couple times to see a bit clearer in the darkness engulfing us. His hands delicately reached for my cheek, silently brushing away the excess tears.

We sat there for a minute in the stillness of the night. Our hearts were heavy and our minds were clouded by our feelings. Neither one of us is willing to speak. For the fear of hurting the other and fear of being hurt.

His warm hand lightly brushed my cheek and my hair. I pressed closer not wanting to let go of the feeling. His gaze softly looking into my eyes.

"Y/n.." He whispered hoarsely. He sounded like he was about to say something but he didn't. We hesitantly inched towards each other unable to pull away from this unknown attraction. I stop just a few centimeters away from his face. Staring into those deep orbs.

Those eyes held so many secrets. So much pain, so much suffering. But they held something else.

Was it kindness?

Was it compassion?

Was it desire?

Regardless of what it was, all I felt was the need for something. Something I didn't know. Something that only he held. I continued staring into his eyes until I could feel his breath mingle with mine.

Our faces stopped moving. We were frozen in time for that moment and everything felt so still. I lean even closer, but my thoughts distract me.

I shouldn't be doing this.

This is wrong. This is all wrong.

I begin to pull myself away from his hold, but he makes his decision as soon as I make mine. His hand buried into my hair holds me still, stopping me from pulling away. 

He firmly presses his lips against mine and I instantly respond. My lips savor taste of him as a small fire ignited inside of me from the spark he created. My stomach tugged at the sensation and my mind clouded from any resolve to back away like I did before. His tender lips cradled mine against the soft light of the moon. He quickly pulled back a few centimeters. We were just testing the waters. The calm before the late night storm.

"Fuck-" he mutters before kissing me again. 

Our lips reattach in the darkness of the night. Just like that the fire grew a hundred times its size. Our hearts raced together against the blinding pain we felt. Everything felt so wrong but perfect in our little world. There was this need - no - hunger for one another. His mouth claiming mine like it belonged to him. Nothing else mattered besides satisfying the hunger we had.

My hands rested against his chest as his hands found their way deep into my hair. Heat radiated off of him burning into my skin. I couldn't pull back from the kiss. The raw emotion engulfed my senses, taking control of my body and its actions. The strong need to be buried deep in this feeling.

Just like that it was over as we both gasped for air. My eyes refused to open again as I tried to sink into feeling of his soft lips against mine.

His hand tugged on mine as I let him pull me down to the soft covers of bed. I pressed my hand against his forehead again and I could feel it rising in temperature.

"Your fever is coming back." I whisper to him as he lightly traces patterns down my arm. I reach for the bowl of water, but his arms wrap securely around my waist pulling me further away from the bedside table.

My body melts into his warmth while his arms tightly wrap around me. Feeling so exhausted I let him win as I pressed closer to his chest wrapping my arms around him as well. The heat from his body seeping into my skin making me feel numb with bliss. The moonlight peaked through the window onto our flushed bodies and deep sleep began to lull me away.

He softly replies as the both of us drift away into the night.

"I'll be okay."

I loved writing this chapter

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I loved writing this chapter. It has to be one of my favorites!

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