Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"You're coming with me Missy."

His devilish eyes bore into mine while his fingertips brushed the edge of his gun hanging loosely at the side of his waistband. I took a step back looking all around for any exits but the only one visible was the one right behind the man.

"Why don't you make this easy for the both of us and nobody is going to get hurt hm?"

My hand dives into my purse behind my back. I begin to stall for time as the man steps closer.

"Wh-who are you?" I stutter out. My hand grips the small container behind my back. The figure licks his tongue over the side of his teeth as his eyes roam all over my body. I shudder from his expression.

"That's none of your concern sweetheart." He takes out the gun and starts to slowly spin it around his thumb. "What you should be worrying about is whether or not you want somebody to get hurt this lovely afternoon."

My back presses flush against the wall. One step after another he gets closer.

And closer

And closer

He lets out a light chuckle. "What's it gonna be sweetheart." Our faces were so close that our breaths mingled. His head tilts at me and I shudder.

My heart beats so loudly it was all I could hear in my ears. It was now or never. And I'm not going down without a fight this time.

"Go to hell."

My fingers find the pepper spray buried deep within my bag. My lips form into a smirk as I draw the container out and spray its contents directly into his sick eyes. He stumbles back reaching for his face trying to rub away the substance only to make it worse.

"Fucking bitch!" He fires his gun randomly into the ceiling as I make a run for the door.  I open the door and see people running everywhere.

"Shit! Y/n!" Hoseok calls out to me from across the store. I get pushed back and forth between the people running out of the store.

A body slams into me causing me to be knocked to the floor. I swallow the pain as my body gets stepped on and tripped over. A hand pulls me up and as I look up I see the familiar ears and tail.

"Jimin" I gasp as he pulls me near the exit. Another gunshot is heard and we both duck down. We scramble to the exit where we meet Hoseok.

"The damn bastard followed us here." I hear Jimin say under his breath.

"We gotta get out of here!" Hoseok shouts over the commotion. We ran as fast we could out of the store. Hoseok takes us to his car as we jump into the seats. As we drive out of the lot we notice a few other vehicles tailing behind closely.

"Dammit!" Hoseok steps on the gas pedal as we zip through the traffic.

I peer out the window and see two motorcyclists covered in full black with green stripes and one car racing behind us. Immediately I pull my head back trying not to panic even more. "Where's the police!"

"The police won't get here in time!" I hear Hoseok shout. He takes a sharp turn to the left and I get thrown to the side of the car.

"They're getting closer" Jimin growls and if I wasn't about to throw up my pecan pie I ate 10 minutes ago I would've practically swooned.

"We aren't gonna lose them this way." Hoseok reaches for the side compartment. His hand fiddles inside the slot.

"Does anybody know how to shoot?"

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