Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

"Why are you burning these?" Jimin asks curiously. His eyes examining the covers of the books I was ripping pages out of.

"It was my wish in high school to burn these books when I had the chance, so I'm doing them now."

He nods his head in response, "You know, I knew you didn't like reading, but I didn't know you hated it this much." His eyes following the glowing embers into the sky.

I object, "Not all books," he rolls his eyes at me, "let me burn my childhood in peace."

He grins, "Okay Y/n"

We both huddle closer to the fire, heat brushing up against our skin. Ripping sheets after sheets and tossing them into the fire. The comforting silence wrapped around us while the crackling of the fire played like music to our ears.

I looked at Jimin beside me. He stared deeply into the pit lost in his own thoughts. I took this time to carefully observe him. His swirling chocolate eyes reflected the light of the fire. I traced down the side of his face, along his jaw and onto his lip. Oh god his lips looked so kissable.


I blink for a second, my eyes averting away from where I was staring. He doesn't turn his face towards me. Instead, he continues to stare into the fire. His jaw becomes tense before relaxing again.

"I want to burn my past too," he says. I don't say anything waiting for him to elaborate. Hesitating for a moment, he opens his mouth to say something but closes it again, squeezing his hand into a fist against his side. Involuntarily I reach my hand over to his. Before I can stop myself, our skins touch and I try to ignore the shivers down my spine. Slowly, but deliberately I slip my hand into his as he relaxes his grip.

He turns to me and I see his eyes slightly watering. He looked like he was hurting so much it pained my heart. I didn't realize how much he was haunted by his past. How much he kept it all inside. His lips press together holding back so much.

I grab the edge of my sleeve and bring it up to his face. Lightly, I press the fabric against the lids of his eyes, feeling the edges turn wet. He gulps as I pull back my arm. I look at him with sympathy, my hand hesitantly reaching for a book next to me. My hand forcefully tears off a stack of pages and I place them in the palm of his hand I was holding.

"Then burn it," My fingers press his close and he looks at me with widened eyes. I wanted him to let go. Burn his memories just like I did mine. Together, I help guide his hands over to the edge of the fire.

"Burn those shadows inside of you. Don't let them ruin who you are." I tell him, but he doesn't let go of the papers. Frustration burning holes through our hands.

"But who am I, Y/n? Who am I without those shadows?" He asks me desperately, wanting me to answer him so badly, like it was killing him. Eating him from the inside out. I looked at him shocked, my throat hurt from his words. How could you say that?

My thoughts became a jumbled mess causing me to freeze up. Jimin's shoulders slump, dropping his head as he retracts his hands. Before he can pull it all the way back I hold his hand firmly in place finally gathering my words.

"You're that boy who loved his family more than anything. The kid who was forced to go through hell and back, but kept fighting no matter what. The hybrid who let me into his world." His eyes soften. The glow of the fire casted on the side of his face and his hair ruffled in the quiet winds.

"The pain doesn't define you, Jimin. You're so much more..." My voice falters.

To me. You're so much more to me.

I lightly push his arm out again. His eyes follow our hands still holding on to the papers. I take a deep breath with him, our heartbeats aligned in tempo. The papers fall from our hands setting ablaze once they reach the flames. I don't even realize the single tear falling down my cheek.

The fire looked so beautiful in the dark of the night. Consuming and burning everything in its path. A force so ancient, yet powerful. We were both burning our pasts in that fire.

And it felt so damn good.

After we let go of the papers my arms found its way around him, pulling him closer. Despite the heaviness in my chest, our closeness still managed to make my heart beat faster. My hands gently rested at his sides, I lightly pressed my forehead against his savoring the feeling of his warm skin and familiar scent.

A tender smile formed on his lips, his hands reaching up to my cheeks, brushing away the tears falling down my face.

He lets out a small laugh, "Why are you crying?" He smiles widely, "You're gonna make me cry."

I let out a choked laugh, pressing my lips into a tight smile. I loved his smile more than anything in the world. I wanted to see it every single moment of my life. His hands still rested at the base of my neck. I placed a firm kiss on his lips. The intention was to pull away after, but I couldn't find myself letting go.

I wanted him to know how much he meant to me. The kiss wasn't fiery and hungry. It was intentional. Passionate. Full of meaning. His lips rolled against mine and a satisfying moan left my lips. My hands felt through the fabric of his shirt, the toned and scarred muscles underneath. His hands gently stroked my back, pressing even closer. His tail slightly curving around the edge of my leg.

After what felt like an eternity, he pulled back as I was unable to let go of the kiss. No words were said after as we clean up the rest of the books and dispose of the fire. Nothing needed to be said. Both of us make our way back up, our shoulders a little lighter. 

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