Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

It was dark bliss until I felt the intense light of the sun on my eyes. I try to readjust my head, but nothing seems to stop the light from hitting directly on my face. I move again, but this time I hear a muffled grunt.

My eyes open and I find myself staring into his hazy eyes. I lazily blink while we continue to stare in silence.

"...can you move your head?" Jimin asks suddenly.

"What?" I question, my voice a bit rough.

"My arm is asleep."

Finally realizing that I was laying my head directly on his arm the entire time, I jolt up in alarm, my head smacking the headboard of the bed.

"Ahhhh my head!" I bring my hand up to my head trying to feel if there is a bruise. From beside me, I hear him snicker at my pain and I just about consider smacking him.

"Meanie," I mumble, "What's with you these days! Always laughing at me!" I grumble to myself as I slowly get out of bed.

He laughs, "I can't help it. You're too easy."

Just then I turn on my heels and grab the nearest pillow. His eyes turn wide as he tries to scramble out of bed. "Easy huh!" I end up chasing him around with my pillow weapon in my hands.

"Ahh! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" His eyes squeeze shut as he turns his face away from my blows. He shouts at me, "Stop hitting me!"

We finally head downstairs, grabbing some slices of toast. As I take a bite out of my slice, I notice specks of jam on the corners of Jimin's lips. I smile knowingly at him and he looks at me with confusion.

"Your face," I say and he smirks at me.

"What? It's incredibly handsome." He pushes his hair back from his forehead.

The jam on his face made it hard for me to take his words seriously, "No idiot. You have jam on your face," I giggle. His eyes widen while he frantically tries to wipe off the jam.

Across the room I hear the television being turned up in volume. We both look in that direction trying to listen to the news.

"-Police are on the lookout for the suspect. There are a few witnesses in the neighborhood where the killings took place. The rogue hybrid was said to be sighted around Southland View Drive-"

I find myself hurrying over to the breaking news. A rogue hybrid? Killings? That doesn't make sense. Even though hybrids held superior strength compared to humans, the government has placed so many restrictions on their kind. They aren't even allowed to be outside without an owner otherwise they're sent to detention centers.

"Police say that victims were mauled. Many beaten to death. Limbs torn off and left to bleed to death. Even children are said to be ripped to pieces along with their family members. View discretion is advised the following images-"

My heart drops into my stomach as I watch the slaughter and carnage from the footage. My breakfast threatening to come right back up, I still manage not to look away from the horrible scene.

"This is just awful." My mother watches the news report on the couch, "How did it manage to do so much damage in such a short amount of time."

My stomach lurched as I looked back at the TV. A little girl was shown almost completely blurred out but the imagination doesn't fail to fill in the holes of what she actually looked like with all the discolored blood around.

"The mayor warns people to stay indoors during night and to call the police if any suspicious activity is seen. This attack will definitely damage the 'Chae case' going on. Many critics believe that this unforeseeable disaster will lead to more regulation policies being placed on hybrid ownership."

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