Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

The cold air of the night filled my lungs. Every time I took a breath, a puff of visible air exhaled through my mouth. My hands gripped onto my jacket as I shivered in the cold. I had so many emotions flowing through my mind right now but underneath all of that I felt so helpless.

And I hated it.

It was one thing to be hurt, but it was another for the people you care about to be hurt because of you. And I absolutely loathe that feeling.

"Y/n," I hear from behind me. I don't stop walking, not wanting to talk.

"What Jimin," I reply sharply. I refuse to look at him as we continue making our way down the empty streets. Nightfall was already upon us and the only source of light were the vibrant neon signs and the broken street lamps. 

"You're shaking.."

I look down at my arms as they tremble involuntarily. I feel an arm on my shoulder but I roughly push it off.

"I'm fine." My voice starts to crack at the end. Mentally cursing myself, I continue to briskly walk forward.

His hand reaches for my arm again and I turn around shoving his hand away. He holds on tightly to my wrist as I'm forced to look him in the eyes.

"Just..." I want to tell him to leave me alone, but the words don't come out. I end up just shutting my eyes closed and turning my head to the side. My lips purse as I think of what to say.

He looks at me intently. His hand is still gripping my wrist in the air as he furrows his eyes in confusion. We stand there for a moment and I pull my hand back again.

"If you're not gonna say anything," I turn to the side avoiding his gaze, "I'm going to keep walking." I wait for a second to hear if he has to say anything. After getting no response I turn on my heels and start to walk again.

His voice stops me again. "You're mad." It was more of a statement than a question. I could tell he was trying to figure me out.

I scoff, "Yeah I am."


I clench my jaw in frustration. The cold wind blows through the streets, rattling the doors of the empty shops and shaking the signs plastered up on the walls.

"I don't know Jimin." I let out harshly.

He replies with the same tone as mine, "You're lying."

My head turns to him. We looked at each other with frustration and resentment. "Why don't you tell me then why I'm mad." My voice seems to get louder and strained as we fight while his voice stays low and firm.

I step closer to him, "Since you're so good at reading me." I see his eyes darken at mine but I don't look away. I was ready to fight.

His hand reaches for my face but I slap it away. "Don't fucking touch me!" I hiss at him.

"What's wrong with you Y/n!" He snaps at me.

"I don't know what's wrong!" I cry out, "Everything is fucked up! And everything I do makes it worse!"

"You know that's not true." He growls.

"Hoseok is gone who knows where! Those people are out there hunting me like I'm some kind of animal," I run my hands through my hair. I turn to him as he looks at me.

"And you're hiding things from me." His eyes widen a little but narrow immediately

I step closer, "I can see them in your eyes Jimin." My words bite at him. He clenches his jaw, but doesn't say anything.

"And this whole time I feel like I might die any second I'm here in this awful city."

"I can protect you." He argues.

"You know that's not true." I tell him with annoyance in my voice.

"I can-"

"You fucking can't and you know it!"

A snarl erupts as his voice finally snaps, "Then leave Y/n!" He spits back. His voice poisons my blood as he yells back at me.

"Leave this city! Leave everything here and go back to your old life!" He walks towards me as I back up into a wall nearby. He places his hands against the wall pressing his face closer to mine.

"If you hate being here so much, " He seethes, "You can pack your bags and take this stupid collar with you."


I slam the door open to my room. My parents stood in confusion near the entrance of the house as I barged in. Grabbing whatever I could find, I take my old suitcases and stuff my possessions into it. Tears started leaking out of my eyes as I collected everything I could find.

"Y/n what are you doing!" exclaims my mom.

"I can't take this anymore!" I shout. Teardrops run down my face, but I don't stop.

"Where are you going!" says my dad. They futilely follow me around my room as I pack everything up. 

"I'm leaving this place." I reply bitterly.

"Don't do this Y/n not again!"

They try to stop me, but I was set to leave today. I've run away before and I can do it again. I'll keep running till I can finally find my happiness.

I look back to my parents. Guilt rips through me. We just healed our relationship and I'm the one ruining it again. Funny how that works. I have to do this though. They'll be dead if I stay, and I can't do that to them.

"If you'll leave they'll never stop going after you Y/n," my dad warns, "It gives them all the more reason to find you!"

"I don't care!" I yell back, "Better me than any of you!" I pull out my phone and dial a taxi.

"Yes..hello?..I need a ride to the nearest airport."

My mom holds on to my arm as I look at her teary eyes, "Please Y/n don't leave me again!"

"I'm sorry mom."

I have to do this.

I block out the image of my sobbing mother while I make my way to the front doors. I finally notice his still figure next to the door. Jimin stood conflicted at the entrance of the house. He looked at me with his red, puffy eyes, but refused to say anything to me.

I could see the conflict in his face. How he struggled to say something but not a word left his mouth. After I realized he had made his decision I let out a silent laugh.

I can't believe him.

He held all that regret inside, but he still refused to talk to me. To let me help him. He never trusted me, I see that now. I was just another lousy owner.

He never cared for you, Y/n. If he did, this wouldn't have happened.

I open the door after staring at him for a moment. A gust of wind flew in as the pouring rain started to fall even harder

"You can keep that stupid collar. I don't need it." I mutter before leaving and never turning back.

Are we okay there fam? My heart hurts too don't worry, we are in this together.

Next update is going to be double update! :)))))))

Thanks as always for reading!

Inheritance - PJM ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ