Chapter 3

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"UNCLE J!" Abby throws herself to my brother

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"UNCLE J!" Abby throws herself to my brother.

"Abby, your leg!" I chastise.

"Sorry," Abby looks at me with a small frown as John holds her.

"Don't listen to your dad. How's my favorite niece?" John spins around once and makes Abby giggle.

"I'm your only neice!" She laughs.

I smile at the two of them. Abby's bond with John is the most precious thing in the world. When John first started dating his wife Emily, Abby wanted to put her through hell and back. It was funny seeing a 4 year old trying to torture a fully grown adult, but luckily she grew out of that and learned to love Emily.

"Well then you have to be my favorite! If you're not my favorite then that would be sad." John started to tickle Abby's sides.

"Hey, we should get going. It's a little bit of a drive." I look at John.


Abby fell asleep a few minutes into the drive. I take the time to question my brother for choosing a bakery 30 minutes away. We could've gone to Walmart and gotten a thing of cupcakes for $6.

"Why are we driving 30 minutes to go to some bakery?" I ask him.

"I know the girl. She went high school with me and we've kept in touch ever since. Her desserts are pretty bomb though."

"They better be if we're driving 30 minutes," I mutter as I pull into a parking lot.

We get out of the truck with a sleepy Abby. She rubs her eyes and lets out a yawn.

"Where are we?" She asks.

"We're at a bakery," I answer her.

Abby perks up at this. "And I'm gonna buy you all the desserts you want because it's your dad who has to deal with you, not me."

"No, he's not!" I glare at my brother but Abby stopped listening after she heard John was buying her whatever she wanted.

"Come on Uncle J!" Abby pulls John by the hand.

The look of pure fright on his face made this trip worth it. That and Abby was smiling from ear to ear.

I follow behind them and hold the door open for the two of them. A little bell rings and a small woman makes her way towards us.

"Hi, welcome to Char-Colate Cake! We don't just sell cakes," she stops midsentence before her smile widens. "Hey John! It's been awhile!"

John hugs the woman and returns her smile. "Hey Charlotte, I brought my brother and my niece. I was telling my brother how good you bake."

She lets out a light laugh. "Thank you! Hopefully it's improved since then!"

Charlotte turns towards Abby and I, and I swear I almost fall to the ground. She is fucking breath taking. Charlotte's eyes are a deep green with light green spotting in some areas. Her hair falls just above her shoulders with dark roots that fade to a light caramel.

I smile before giving her my right hand. "Hi, I'm Hunter. This is my daughter Abby," I place my left hand on Abby's shoulder.

Abby gives a small wave and smile.

"Hi, I'm Charlotte. You can call me Charlie though. Your brother isn't one for nicknames." Charlie rolls her eyes at the last part, but her smile never left her face.

"Do you still bake those apple turnovers?" John inserts himself.

Charlie looks at him and her hand flies to her forehead. "Oh gosh! Where are my manners? Come to the counter and order something and sit at a table. I'll bring y'all your orders."

We go up to the counter and Charlie steps behind the register. "Ok, so what can I get y'all?"

"You know what I want Charlie. Those freaking bomb apple turnovers!" John smiles at her and she smiles back.

"How many you want?"

"4." I look at him with a questioning look.

"Hey! Like I said, they're bomb. I'm not sharing either." John sticks his tongue out at me before sitting at a booth in the corner.

I role my eyes at him and pick up my daughter. "What do you want Princess?"

Abby looks at the glass case in awe. I can tell she doesn't know what she wants because she's in heaven.

"Um... Can I get two things Daddy?" She looks up at me with puppy eyes.

I let out a sigh and kick myself for not being able to tell her no. "Of course."

Abby smiles and points to the red velvet cupcake and an Oreo cookie. Charlie nods her head with a small smile.

"Go sit with Uncle John," I kiss Abby's temple and put her on the floor to go sit down.

I turn my attention to Charlie and smile. "What would you recommend?"

"Oh... That's a hard one. All of my desserts are pretty sweet." She smiles at me and I chuckle at her pun. "But, my devil's food cupcake is what I'm known for."

"Well then I guess I have to order the devil's food cupcake then." I smile at her, testing the waters.

"I guess you do." She smiles back at me.

We stand there for a few seconds before we both realize that I have to pay. I pay for the desserts and sit with my brother and daughter.

Abby sits on my lap and lays her head on my shoulder. I rub her back and talk to John about his new son, Gabriel.

Charlie soon comes to the booth and places our desserts in front of us. "Here you go. I'll be behind the counter if y'all need anything."

"Thank you," I smile and she smiles back.

I let Abby sit in the inside of the booth as we enjoy our desserts. John wasn't lying. This girl can bake. I finish first because I didn't order more then one thing.

"Can you just please leave Sean?" I hear Charlie beg.

I turn to look and see a guy grabbing her arm. "Oh no."

"What?" I look at John.

"That's her boyfriend. He's not very nice."

That's all I need to hear before I get up from the booth.

I walk towards them and cross my arms. "Is there a problem here?"

Hey y'all! I know I said I was going to update last week, but I got really behind on school work and didn't have much motivation to do anything. I almost failed 3 classes, but that's ok. I got it all under control now so hopefully all is good.

I know that these are scary times because we are very uncertain on what will happen, but all we can do is try to be positive and try to help prevent the spread. Please make sure that you wash your hands, wear a mask in public, and social distance yourself. Masks may not be for your protection, but for others. You might have the virus and can unintentionally spread it, so please listen to what you are being told. But probably don't listen to Trump.

ANYWAYS, I'm gonna try to do a double update because I missed last weeks upload. The next chapter will be in Charlotte's POV, so look forward to that.

If you have any suggestions for this book, leave them here!

How are we feeling about Charlie?

What about John?

And isn't Abby's relationship with Hunter and John so cute?!

Sorry for the long author's note here! I'll see y'all in the next chapter!

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