Chapter 4

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It's been a hectic day

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It's been a hectic day. For some reason the domino effect is in play. I had to fire one of my bakers because he couldn't show up on time. I'm pretty lineant, but he's been doing this for weeks and he expected to have a full lunch and a full pay. My second, and last, baker quit because "true love" was knocking on her door. Jokes on her, there is no such thing as true love.

It's not even 1 pm and I have never been more stressed in my life. I have no employees, I have a whole bakery to run, and to top it off I'm on my period!

My day got a little better after I saw John and his gorgeous brother. It should be illegal to look that good. And he's good with kids, an added bonus! Don't get me wrong, I don't believe in that whole "true love" bullshit, but I'm not above some casual sex.

I went back behind the counter to count the money in the register after I dropped of their desserts. I'm gonna close up in an hour so I just want to make sure everything is the way it needs to be.

The door opens and I go to greet the person when I realize who it is. Instead of a smile, a scowl rests on my face. They both start with the letter s, so what's the difference?

"What do you want Sean?"

"Can't I visit my girl?" The nickname that once made me feel giddy now makes me feel nothing.

"In order to be 'your girl' I would have to be with you. And I haven't for almost seven months now. Now get out."

"Come on baby!" He steps behind the counter and grabs my wrist.

"First of all, let go of me. Second, I asked you to leave."

Sean's grip on my wrist tightens. "I've missed you so much baby."

"Can you just please leave Sean!" I beg.

I'm a strong girl, don't get me wrong. I can beat someone up if I wanted to, but there is a reason why I broke up with him.

"Is there a problem here?" I look over and see Hunter with his arms crossed over his chest.

"No, I'm just talking to my girl." Sean tries to be slick and put his arm around my shoulders.

I move from his grip and take a step back. Now that it's not the two of us, he won't try anything.

"I'm pretty sure if she was your girl then she wouldn't ask you to leave and walk away from you." At least Hunter has common sense.

"Yo dude, I'm just trying to talk to her. Leave us alone or I'll call the cops for harassment or some shit like that."

"First, cops can't do anything in this matter. It's a civil issue, Second, there's no need to call the cops when there's one standing in front of you." I whip my head in Hunter's direction with wide eyes and he sends me a wink. "Now I suggest you leave before I arrest you for assault."

Sean lets out a huff in annoyance before looking at me. "I'll call you later."

He walks out of the shop with one last glare to Hunter.

"Please don't," I whisper as I see him get in his car.

"Are you ok?" I look at Hunter.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just wasn't expecting him to show up."

"You should get a restraining order on him if he keeps coming." Hunter looks at me with some concern in his eyes.

"Yeah, I might."

We stand there for a couple seconds. It's a little awkward, but it's not that bad. It almost feels comfortable.

"Uh, thank you for what you did. You didn't have to do that."

"It's kind of my job. Besides, I wanted to help." He smiles at me and I slightly melt.

"I have to repay you."

"There's no need."

"But I want to," I smile at him.

"Ok then. How about I take you out to dinner sometime?" Hunter asks.

"As in a date?" My eyes widen slightly.

"It's whatever you want it to be."

"I'll think about it," A smaller smile replaces my bigger smile.

"Give me your number and I'll text you later to see." I agree and give him my number.

He smiles one more time at me before he goes back to his booth. I stand in the spot for a little longer before I go to the kitchen. I do a little happy dance and let out a breath. This is really happening.


I left the bakery a little over an hour ago. Even though we close at 3, I had a lot to do still. I had to clean up the dining area, both inside and outside, I had to do prep work for my morning treats, and I had to find new employees.

At 10:47 pm, I find myself eating a pint of Ben & Jerry's' "Chocolate Therapy" ice cream in an oversized t-shirt, panties, and some fuzzy socks. This is how most of my nights go ladies and gentlemen.

I laugh at the tv that's playing The Office. Dwight just yelled into the phone, "Buttlicker! Our prices have never been lower!" The Office is the best tv series hands down.

My phone buzzing on the coffee table catches my attention. I pause the tv and place my ice cream next to my phone.

Have you thought about it yet? -Hunter

I bite my lower lip to keep myself from smiling.

Hello my loves! It has been a little over 2 weeks since I last updated! Hopefully y'all saw the message I posted last night with a small explaination. I won't keep y'all here for too long.

Things have started to open up around here but I haven't left my house since spring break, so I've been home for a little over 9 weeks. My mental health is struggling just a tad, but It's not too bad.

What about y'all? Have you been anywhere?

What did y'all think about Charlie?

Do you think she will go to dinner with Hunter?

Please vote and comment! As a writer it helps me know what y'all like and what y'all don't like.

I'll see y'all in the next chapter!

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