Chapter 8

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"Abby!" I yell from upstairs

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"Abby!" I yell from upstairs.

"Yes sir?" She yelled back.

"Are you dressed?"


I let out a sigh of relief and continue to stirring the pot in front of me. Charlie is going to be here in about thirty minutes so I'm doing last minute cooking.

I decided to make ravioli with vodka sauce, garlic bread and chicken. It technically wasn't a vodka sauce because there wasn't any vodka but that's a minor detail.

I was finishing the sauce when the doorbell rings. I look at the clock and silently curse. I read the time wrong. I just put the pasta in the water and the garlic bread in the oven. The chicken was still baking, it just needed ten more minutes.

I wipe my hands on a towel and open the front door. Sure enough, Charlie was standing there.

"Hi," I smile at her.

"Hi," Charlie smiled back at me.

We stand there smiling like dorks before I snap out of it.

"Come in," I open the door a little more and step to the side.

She steps in and looks around. Charlie looks at the picture frames hanging on the wall and smiles. I look at the picture she was looking at and smile too. It was a picture of Abby and me.

"That's one of my favorite pictures of us." I tell her.

"She's cute."

"Yeah, she takes after me." I joke and Charlie rolls her eyes.

I remember the food I was cooking in the kitchen and turn towards Charlie. "You can take off your shoes if you would like, I'm just finishing dinner up."

She nods and I walk back to the kitchen.


I plate everyone's food and place it on the dining room table. Abby and Charlie are currently playing with some Snapchat filters on Charlie's phone. It makes me happy that Charlie gets along with Abby.

The one time that I did try to date, the girl didn't want Abby to be around me. She said, and I quote, "She's so annoying. Why don't you just leave her with your parents or a babysitter?". It didn't take me long to break up with her.

"Hey guys, dinner is ready." I tell them.

Charlie barely has anytime to put away her phone before Abby is pulling her. "Charlie! Sit next to me!"

Charlie laughs and holds Abby's hand. "I would love to."

We eat dinner and so far, everything has been going smoothly. Abby can't stop talking to Charlie and I have to remind her to slow down a bit. I'm glad that Charlie seems to actually be interested in what Abby has to say, even if it is complete nonsense.

"Daddy!" Abby calls me as I put the dishes in the sink.

"Yes baby?"

"Can Charlie bake something with me?" She gives me puppy eyes.

"I don't know Abby, you're going to have to ask her about that." I look at Charlie. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

"I would love to," Charlie smiles at me before looking at Abby.

"I have to warn you, we don't have all the fancy baking equipment."

"That's ok. It will make this more fun!" She smiles.

"Yay! Can we make cookies? They're my favorite thing to make!" Abby looks at Charlie.

"Of course! I have a very special recipe for chocolate chip cookies." She smiles.

I pray that my kitchen will be intact by the time they finish.

Hey y'all! So a lot has happened this week it's crazy! First, my phone broke and I'm not able to do a lot right now. Luckily, I went to get it looked at yesterday so my new phone will be coming in a few days. Second, I finished this chapter days ago and it's been killing me not to share! Third, thank you all for the love and support! In the past week I have gained some new readers and I am so grateful to y'all! And finally, we are so close to 2k! I know numbers aren't a huge deal, well to me they aren't, but I know as a reader that the more reads a story has the more likely I am to read. I know that after we hit 2k, this story is just going to take off and I am so excited to see what this book has instore.

So what did y'all think of this chapter?

Did you like how Abby and Charlie interacted with each other?

What do y'all want to see next?

The story is about to take off soon, within the next 3 or so chapters, so buckle up! This is going to be a bumpy ride!

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