Chapter 12

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"What do you mean I have to show up for a hearing today?" I basically yell into my phone

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"What do you mean I have to show up for a hearing today?" I basically yell into my phone.

I'm at my mother's house helping her prepare for the dinner she invited Charlie over for.

"You have a hearing at 5:00 today. Ms. Roberts had the day pushed to today." My lawyer, Danny, tells me.

"Why am I just now being notified of this?"

"Well I didn't know until 2:00 today."

"Danny, it is 4 in the fucking afternoon. You knew this information for two hours. What if I was working and couldn't be on my phone? I hired you to help me keep my daughter, not to lose her." I hang up and sigh.

I rub my face before going back inside to let Mom know. I pass John and his wife.

"I have to head out," I tell them.

"But isn't your girlfriend coming over?" Emily asks.

"Yeah but my hearing got pushed to today. If I don't show up then I'm risking them taking Abby."

"Ok, I'll let Mom know. Just get out of here and rush to the courthouse."

"Ok. Tell Abby that I went to go get something for dinner, I haven't told her about this yet."


I arrive at the courthouse with twenty minutes to spare. I walk in with a frown and scare some people in the process.

I just want to go back to my mom's house and spend time with my family.

I walk up to a receptionist and wait until she looks up at me.

"Hi, I'm here for a hearing."

"What's your last name?"


"Are you Roberts vs. Rivers?"

"Yes ma'am," I sigh.

"They have already started." My eyes widen.

"What room are they in?"

"They're in courtroom 147-B but sir,-"

I ignore her and run down the hallways. Why would they start without me? And twenty minutes early at that.

I burst through the door as soon as I found it. The judge looks up from her podium and I see her turn around.

"Nice of you to join us Mr. Rivers."

"I am so sorry. My lawyer just called me and I was across town with my mother and daughter."

"Our daughter." I turn and look at her.

She looks the same yet so different. Her once long brunette hair is now just above her shoulders and blonde. She has makeup caked on to hide her imperfections, but she never had any. She also looks slimmer. And the biggest difference is the huge rock on her left hand.

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