Chapter 6

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Some how, the stars have aliened

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Some how, the stars have aliened. So far everything has been going my way this week. Saturday I spent the whole day with Abby, and the rest of the week has not been as hectic as it has been. It is now Friday night and I'm going on a date with Charlie. Like I said, the stars have aliened.

I spray on a little bit of cologne and swish some mouthwash before I decide I am ready. John was kind enough to let Abby stay the night.

I grab Abby's overnight bag and call for her. "It's time to go Abby!"

"Yes sir!" She calls from downstairs.

I meet her in the living room and double check that she has everything. A change of clothes, toothbrush, and a hairbrush. She's already going in her pajamas since it's 6:30 already.

"Ok baby, let's get you in the car."


I find myself standing at Charlie's apartment door. For some reason, I am terrified that I will ruin this date.

I push my thoughts aside and knock on the door. After what felt like eternity, Charlie opens the door. My jaw drops to the ground as I take in her appearance.

She's not even dressed up. Charlie is wearing black jeans, a peach blouse, and some heels. Something that can pass as casual, but somehow she still looked breath taking. Her shoulder length hair is in waves and I can tell that she took time to do her makeup. Not that she needed it, but she looked gorgeous anyways.

"You look beautiful," I finally say.

"You don't look too bad yourself," Charlie smiles at me.

I look down at my checkered shirt and jeans. I looked like a dork, especially since I paired it with some Converses. But it felt good that she didn't think that.

"Are you ready?" I ask.

"Yes," Charlie closes her door and locks up.

I lead her to my car and open the door for her. She says a quiet thank you and I close the door for her.

"So where are we going?" Charlie asks as soon as I get in the car.

"It's a surprise." I smile at her.

She shakes her head but I see a small smile on her lips. I turn on the car and pull out of my parking space.


I turn off the car and look at Charlie, her confusion written all over her face.

"Did you bring me here to kill me?" She asks slowly and looks at me.

"No, we're here for our date." I tell her and get out of the car. Before she can get out, I open the door for her.

"So what are we doing?" She eyes the trail.

"Well, we're not hiking." I open the back passenger and take out a basket. "We're going to have a picnic."

I grab Charlie's hand and start walking towards the trail.

"Good, cause I am not wearing the right shoes to hike." I chuckle at her response.

We walk for a few minutes on the trail before I go off the trail to find the spot I found a few days ago. We continue walking for a few minutes in silence. I hear the water from the small stream and know that we're close. After a few steps I find the clearing.

"This place is so gorgeous." Charlie whispers.

I look at her and let out a cheesy line. "Yeah, it sure is."

Charlie looks at me and blushes.

I set the basket down and pull out the blanket I stuffed in there. I place the blanket on the ground and motion for Charlie to sit first.

"Just to let you know, I am not the greatest cook. I do make a mean sandwich though," I smile at her before handing her the sandwich I made for us before I left.

For the rest of our date we just talk and laugh. I felt like I could tell her anything and ask her anything. We talked for hours about nothing and everything. We talked about terrible dates we have been on and what we want to do with our lives. We talked about kids, marriage, and how Abby is my world.

"I'm serious!" She laughs.

"You're telling me that he farted in your face?" I laugh with her.

"It was so gross! I left and we have never talked since then." She smiles at me.

We look at each other with smiles for a few minutes. And that's when I felt it. The first raindrop.

I look up at the sky and see that the already dark sky was darker. I turn to tell Charlie that we need to go but the rain beats me to it. Charlie lets out a shriek and gets up quickly.

We pack up the basket quickly before running to beat the rain. Charlie stops for a second to take her heels off and we run back to my car. By the time we reach it, it's already pouring. I open the door for her and run to my side.

We start laughing and I turn on the car to let the heater warm us up. I look at her and her smile brightens everything up.

"I'm sorry that the rain messed up our date." I apologize.

"No, it's fine! I had a lot of fun." Her smile stays on her face.

I return her smile and feel warm. And it was not the heater that made me feel that.

Hey guys! Sorry for the late chapter. I love them both so much! They are so cute!!

I hope that everyone is being safe with everything going on. I'm not one to make statements about politics and things like that, but what is happening is terrible. I don't want to offend anyone, I'm educating myself on the topic so I am trying to learn what is going on. Please be safe if you are going to protests.

What do you think about the date Hunter planned for them?

What would you have done if you were Charlie?

Please vote and comment! I will see y'all in the next chapter.

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