Chapter 10

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A week has passed by and I can't bring myself to stop being happy

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A week has passed by and I can't bring myself to stop being happy. It seems like life has finally decided that I deserve a break.

I feel that Charlie and I are ready to take the next step in our relationship, whatever that is. Everything just feels so right when I'm with her, I don't really know how to explain it.

"Daddy!" Abby calls from the living room.

I'm currently making lunch while Abby watches tv. This is my first break from work since Abby and I had our daddy-daughter day, and that was almost a week and a half ago. It doesn't sound that long ago, but after countless long hours it seems like months.

"Yes ma'am?" I look up and find Abby standing near the entrance.

"Are you almost done?"

I smile and close up the basic sandwich I made us. "Just in time."

"Yay!" She jumps in excitement and runs towards me.

I hand her her plate and give her a kiss on the top of her head. "Go sit in the living room, I'll join you in a bit."

Abby goes to the living room while I clean up the kitchen. I put away the stuff I used for the sandwich in their rightful places and wash the dishes. I finish up in the kitchen and take my plate over to the living room. As soon as I place it down the doorbell rings.

"Go ahead and eat," I tell Abby when I see she hasn't touched her food.

"Ok," she takes a bite.

I chuckle and head towards the front door. I open it and see Charlie standing there with a box.

"I brought the cupcakes." Charlie gives me a small smile.

"Come in." I open the door more to let her in. "I wasn't expecting you."

"I texted you," she looks up at me with a look of confusion.

"CHARLIE!" Abby comes running towards us.

I quickly grab the cupcakes to save them from my daughter. Charlie opens her arms and crouches down to Abby's height.

"Hey girly, how are you?" She asks as soon as Abby pulls away.

"Good! Did you bring the cupcakes?"

"Abby, how did you know Charlie was bringing over cupcakes?" I ask her.

"I asked her," she looks up at me sweetly.

I found the culprit.


Charlie decided to hang out with us for the rest of the day after Abby begged. Ok, maybe I begged a little too but that's besides the point. She's been here since about 1:30 pm and it's now 10.

Abby is asleep in her room while Charlie and I watch a movie. I've been slowly letting Abby sleep in her own room since the incident. So far it's going great.

Charlie and I lay on the couch as we watch Doctor Strange. We both have a slight Marvel obsession. I'm not really paying attention to the movie as it plays, I'm just playing with her hair.


"Hm?" I hum in response.

"Are you listening?" She looks at me.

"I'm going to be completely honest with you, I haven't been paying attention to anything since he got in the car accident." I pause the movie for her. I look and see that we are more than halfway through the movie.

"Then what were you paying attention to?"

"You," I look into her eyes.

" Oh," is all she says.

We sit there for a few seconds just looking at each other. We do this a lot.

"I really want to kiss you," I whisper.

"Then do it." She whispers back.

I listen to her and lean in, Charlie meeting me halfway. Like our first kiss, comparing it to fireworks doesn't even begin to describe the feeling.

The need to feel closer consumes me and I move her body so that she's completely facing me. Charlie throws her leg over my hip and I begin to feel dizzy. How can someone I just met make me feel like this? It should be illegal.

My phone begins to ring and Charlie starts to pull away.

"Leave it," I tell her before I pull her closer.

My phone stops ringing and I smile. My happiness is short lived before it starts to ring again.

I begrudgingly pull away from Charlie and grab my phone from the coffee table. I look at the number and don't recognize it.


"Is this Hunter Rivers?" A female voice asks.

"This is he."

"Hi, my name is Sarah Hardings and I work with child custody cases." My heart instantly drops.

"I'm sorry, but why are you calling?"

"I'm calling to inform you that Alyssa Roberts is pursuing a case in which to be the sole guardian of your child Abigail Rose Rivers. Papers will be mailed to your household within the week with court dates and more information."

"Thank you," I reply, despite feeling like I should curse her out. I hang up and cradle my head in my hands.

Charlie rubs my back and scares me. I forgot she was there.

"Who was that?"

"Some representative," I tell her through the lump in my throat. I still keep my head down.

"What did they want?" She asks tentatively.

I finally look up at her and let a tear fall. "To tell me Abby's birth mom is pursuing a custody case."

Heh... Hey y'all? Ok, WAIT! Before y'all get out your pitchforks and torches, just know that this book is finally moving and won't be sort of boring.

This chapter is a wee bit longer then my usual by 200 words or so, so you're welcome?

How mad are y'all?

What do you think will happen?

And Abby's birth mom is in the picture?

Would y'all prefer character aesthetics instead of a cast?

Any suggestions?

Also, I have a new book coming out next Friday at 3:00 pm CT/ 1:00 pm PT/ 4:00 pm ET! Y'all have already read some of it too!!

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