Chapter 1 - Freshmen Hell in the School Cafeteria

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As Brayden stood there, his underwear filled of a variety of nasty food items, his hair, face and shirt sticky with pop and juice, he reflected on the weeks leading up to this moment.


Extremely terrified would be an understatement to say the least. The short, skinny, messy brown haired 14 year old was an absolute nervous wreck in the days leading up to the first day of high school.

The fact that Parkview High was way bigger then his old middle school, and that he would probably get lost was the least of his worries. Even the fact that most of his friends from middle school were going to a different high school then him was trivial.

All the stories he had heard about what happens to freshmen had really gotten to him. Stories of lots of different types of bullying and hazing, called rooking.

He had never really experienced being bullied before. Sure, the nerds and losers would already be used to this hell, but not him. He was no star athlete, or popular kid, but he was somewhere in the middle. He was well liked by most of his classmates in middle school, but didnt really have many close friends.

He had though about pretending to be sick the first few days, but knew his mother would never beleive him. He was a terrible liar, she could always see right through him.

He didn't sleep at all the night before the first day. Thankfully, the walk to school was uneventful.

Once he got to the school yard, he saw a group of older kids throwing a nerdy looking boy in a trash can. He kept his head down and kept walking inside.

In the hall on the way to his first class, he saw another boy getting a wedgie. Strangely, he wasn't the only one that acted like they didnt see it happening. Even a teacher walking the other way just ignored this poor boys underwear being firmly yanked half way up his back.

The chatter in every one of his classes was about things his classmates saw or heard. A couple kids even shared what had happened to them. One boy, Ryan said he went to use the washroom at lunch and was jumped by a group of seniors, and given a swirly. Another boy, Alex, was pantsed while waiting in line in the cafeteria.

It was happening all around him, but Brayden could do nothing but hope and pray. As soon as the final bell rang, he bolted for the nearest exit. He knew he needed to beat the crowd. It worked.

Day two was much of the same. Brayden avoided getting caught, but witnessed even more freshmen getting rooked. There was wedgies, trash canning, and even one rather small freshman getting shoved in a locker.

He kept his head down and avoided eye contact at all costs. At the end of the day, he bolted out the door again. Not only to avoid getting caught, but more importantly, he had to pee all afternoon, and was not about to go in the washroom. Not after what happened to Ryan the day before.

By day 3, Braydens nerves began to settle. Only a few more days this week, and rook week, as it was called would be over. His system was working great so far. He made it through the morning unscaved.

As he sat alone in the cafeteria eating his lunch, he noticed a group of seniors talking. He had seen this group picking on a few kids already. The leaders name was Troy. We was already very well know among the freshmen, and very feared. It seemed to be his goal was to be the self proclaimed king of Bullies at Parkview High.

Brayden could make out Troy telling the group "find me two freshemen". The group split up and worked there way around the cafeteria. Brayden just did what he did best. Kept his head down, and tried to blend into the sea of kids eating lunch.

He noticed a couple of Troy's henchmen dragging a boy back toward the middle of the room where Troy was waiting. He recognized the boy from the hallway earlier. A group of popular girls had made the boy crawl around on his hands and knees, and barking like a dog. The boy was short and scrawny, with short blond hair. He had on a grey under armour t shirt and blue athletic short, but clearly wasn't a jock.

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