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When I get home, chat is there like usual. I set down my book bag and take out my ponytails.
“How was your first day of school?” He asked cheerly. I grabbed a glass and filled it with water.
“It was good, it went by fairly fast. Did you have class today?” I asked, taking a sip of water.
“Well, no…”
“Why not, do you have a job already?”
“Yes, but not yet.”
“That doesn't make sense Chaton.” I giggled and took another sip.
“Well, I’m the heir to a big company.” my body tried to gasp but it sucked water into my lungs. I started vigorously coughing. “Marinette!” he ran over to rub my back and make sure I was okay.
“Sorry, that just startled me. Is that why you never told me your name?”
“No, I did it because I didn’t want a tie to my father.”
“Well, then you could take my last name.”
“Okay then, hi, I’m Adrien Dupain-Chang.” he said it with a huge smile on his face.
“Adrien, that’s a nice sounding name.” I kiss his cheek.
“It sounds even better with you saying it.” he purred into my shoulder as he hugged me from behind.
“Hey Chaton- I mean, Adrien?”
“I like it when you call me chat or chaton.”
“Okay, Chaton, could I see you behind your mask?”
“But, what if I’m not what you expect? I will lose the whole cool hero vibe.”
“You're a pretty cool cat to me always.” My statement didn’t seem to comfort him.
He stepped back from me “Plagg, claws in.” There was a blinding green light, I shielded my eyes until it died down, it reminded me vaguely of when my string appeared, but quieter this time. I open my eyes to see a shy boy standing in Chat’s place and a small black creature floating next to him. “Well?”
“Well what? You're still my soulmate and the man I fell for.”
“You’re okay that I’m Adrien Agrest?” I’m glad I didn’t take another sip of water otherwise I would have started choking all over again.
“Wait, that’s you?!” I asked dumbfounded.
“Wait, you don’t recognize me? You were reading my magazine like, 3 days ago!”
“I’m a designer! I just pay attention to the outfits!”
“Well then, I feel awkward for bringing it up.” He rubbed his neck.
I bury my face in my hands. “Oh my god, you must have felt so uncomfortable.”
“It’s okay, I understand, it actually makes me feel better knowing that you just pay attention to the clothing.” He pulled me into another hug. “Is it okay if I change back? I prefer being Chat.”
“Okay.” I nestled into his body, my eyes were closed, yet I could still see the flash of green when he transformed. “Hey, I know I have a lot of questions, but what was that cat-like creature floating next to you?”
“Oh, you mean Plagg?” He asked although I had no idea who that was to confirm. “He’s my Kwami! He’s the one who gives me my powers.”
“Oh, okay, sorry, this is just a lot to process.”
“It’s okay, I understand, do you want to lie down for a minute?”
“Yes please.” He guided me to my bed. Right as I got there, his baton started to ping. From what I know, his baton is not only a weapon, but also a phone. I have also come to learn that the ping means there's trouble, there have been times he’s had to leave dinner early to go help people, he will put off interviews until before or after dinner for me though. He looked at the baton’s message warely. “It’s okay, I’ll be fine. The people need you.” He gave me a smile of relief.
“Thank you,” He kissed my forehead. “I’ll be right back. I love you.”
“I love you too, now go.” as he opened the window to leave, I called behind him “Stay safe.” I wait a few seconds before switching on the T.V.
"Chat Noir has just arrived at the scene and is helping firefighters usher the Caron family out." They show a clip of Chat carrying out two small children, I turn off the T.V. and laid back, i hope never too see him have to run into a burning building for me. I don't think I could handle it, he puts his life on the line every day, and I don't think i could handle putting him in danger. After a minute, the suspension was killing me, I needed to know if he was okay.
"We've got word that everyone has gotten out safely. The fire is almost out, once it's been put out, we'll see if we can snag an interview with Chat Noir." I watched the news though and watched them chase down my boyfriend.
"Excuse me? Mr. Chat Noir?" He slows down and turns to face the camera.
"I'm sorry, I need to get back home to my soulmate." He apologized.
"That's what we wanted to ask you. It's been a whole summer since your red string birthday, we were hoping you could bring her for an interview tomorrow morning at say, 10 o'clock?"
"I'll have to ask her, now I really must go." They let him leave, as much as I wanted to talk with him, I needed sleep. I switched off the T.V. and relaxed into the mattress. A few moments later I hear him slip in through the window. I heard him walk into the living room and turn off the lights that I forgot. I listened to him tidying up, I felt slightly guilty listening to him do the work so I got up. He came into the room right as I was leaving to go help him.
“You need to be in bed, you need sleep.” he said.
“I know, I just wanted to help tidy up. You don’t want to worry your father do you?”
“He doesn't care about me unless I miss a photo shoot or big event.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. Here, I’ll stay to make sure you fall asleep.” he lifted up the covers and we both slipped under. He cuddled up to me, smelling vaguely like smoke and sweat. We fell asleep in eachothers arms.

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