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I walked over to the T.V.
“Hey Mom?” I called.
“Yes Lila?” My mom called from the kitchen of our family’s flat.
“You don’t mind if I change the channel to the news? I want to watch the Agreste company's new year’s party.”
“I don’t mind, after all, you're going to be his intern next year!” My mom was referring to the small lie I told her last week, well, it’s not really a lie, Marinette said she was going to withdraw her application so any major competition was already out of the way. I snatch up the remote and change the channel just in time to see:
“-And it looks like Chat Noir is attending this year with his soulmate Marinette Dupain Cheng!” I watched as he landed on the carpet with Marinette in his arms. I sneered at the T.V. Why does she have to always be the center of attention? I stared intensely as a blinding light coated the camera and Chat Noir transformed into:
“Adrien Agreste!” the reported, Nadia, exclaimed in shock. Suddenly more reporters were pushing through the crowds, throwing questions left, right, and center. I clamp a hand to my mouth to keep sobs from coming out. My heart shattered a bit. Why? Why does she get him?! I would have been okay if Chat was just another guy, but Adrien? I feel like the universe hated me, just to add insult to injury, my red string never appeared on my birthday. My soulmate is either dead or non existent.
I ran to the bathroom to fix my running makeup, I didn’t even notice I was crying. I splash cold water on my face to lessen the redness and puffiness.
I go back into the room after reapplying my makeup. They had just finished the short interview and are just filming the party with occasionally commercial breaks.
The end of the year nered and I watched as Gabriel Agreste stepped onto a podium to give an announcement.
“Ladies and Gentlemen,” he paused as the talking went down and people started to turn his way. “I must thank you all for joining me in celebrating the turning of a new year, and finding the Chat Noir happens to be my own son. Now, I must ask you to celebrate me handing over the ownership of the Agreste company to my future daughter inlaw: Marinette Dupain Cheng. She will intern under me until she graduates college.”
I watch everyone stand to applaud her. What did she do other than being soulmates with Adrien Agreste? This is unfair! I feel a surge of anger towards Marinette, towards Adrien and his dad, to the guests for being happy about this, to the universe for hating me.
My mind went blank as I grabbed gasoline from the garage and matches from the cabinet. I was blinded by hatred as I marched through the dark streets to the Agreste mansion. I snuck over the wall and started splashing gasoline all over the walls in anger. I moved it around the house taking me a while. Once I was out, I looked in through the window, watching Marinette laugh with the other party goers, blissful unaware of the danger she was in. I struck a match, my gaze locked on her being as I dropped it into the bushes instantly lighting and catching onto the gasoline. I smiled as the fire spread, I waited a long moment before I started hearing the sound of screams and heels clacking on the floor, rushing to get out to safety.
I saw Adrien transform and run over to Marinette, yelling at her to get out as everyone runs. The crowd was too thick, everyone pushing to get out of the burning building. I look up to see a stone pillar cracking under the heat and start to topple onto people. The siren of fire trucks, ambulances and cops drew nearer. There was a crunch of leaves as officers scoured the grounds to find what happened. I was too immersed in the terror I didn’t notice a police officer had snuck up behind me and tackled me to the ground, taking heed of the gasoline and matches at my feet. I felt cool metal clasped onto my wrists.
“You are under arrest, anything you say or do can and will be held against you in court.” I heard the voice say as they led me to the backseat of the car.
Once in I came to my senses. I was terrified of myself for doing that. I’m sorry Marinette, I’m sorry Adrien, you don't deserve this.

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