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This morning, when I'm awakened by sunlight streaming in through my window, I had Adrien to snuggle into. After a few moments of quiet, we agreed to get up for some breakfast, maybe look around before we had to leave, we planned to stay for 4 days so we could have some time to ourselves once we got home before celebrating new years with Adrien's father who is holding a banquet. We don’t know how to handle our relationship, we plan to say that I’m there because I’m the next intern for the company even though we don’t know who that is going to officially be for a month or so.
“Good morning you two!” my mom said as we came down the stairs after brushing our teeth and hair.
“Morning mama”
“Morning Mrs. Dupain chang.”
“You don’t have to be so formal dear, call me Sabine.”
“Thank you.” Adrien smiled at the statement and my mom as she fixed up two plates for us of bacon and eggs.
“Happy Christmas eve!” My dad called coming into the room. We all returned the statement.
“Do you two want to help prepare some christmas treats?” my mom asked
“Sure!” Adrien looked like he just won the lottery.
“Great! We’ll be making some shortbread, butter pecan tarts, and nanaimo bars.”
“That all sounds really good.”
Me and Adrien rushed up stairs to change out of pajamas and into warm clothes.
“Hey Adrien, you’ve been to this banquet thing multiple times, is there anything i should look out for? I’m not used to this kind of thing.”
“It’s alright, just be yourself I guess, there isn’t much you need to worry about. Oh! Steer clear of reporters, if you're asked any questions, whether you can answer them or not, just reply with ‘no comment.’ Okay?”
“Got it.” I slipped my shirt over my head and adjusted the bottom of it, tugging down to fix the rumples in it.
“Also, after tasting your and your parents' food, I recommend not eating much, you're going to be severely disappointed, compared to what you guys make, the food’s going to taste like it was trying to match, but somewhere in the beginning they took a wrong turn.”
I laughed. “I’m glad you like our food.”
“No, I’m serious.”
I stopped laughing. “Oh.” I was stunned, I thought he was saying that lightly, I didn’t know he was being serious. “Anything else?”
“Um, not really, they most likely ignore you, it’s not uncommon for interns to attend.”
“Okay.” we had finished changing a while ago and were just standing in silence. “Should we, you know, head down?”
“Sure!” We left my room to go mix up Christmas treats. For a moment, only for a moment right then, I wondered if lila was right again, I’m not cut out for this, I feel like I’m unknowingly seeking attention. I brushed it off, but it was still in the back of my mind as I made the filling for the tarts and whisked up the cream for nanaimo bars.

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