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“Hey Chat? Where did the tomatoes go? We didn’t use them up last night, did we?” I asked peering into the fridge
“I don’t think so.” he came over, setting down the bread knife he was using to cut bread to toast. He looks over my shoulder before reaching from behind me and pulling out the glossy red food. He kissed my head “Here it is.” I accepted them.
“Thanks.” I turn and kiss his lips. I grab my knife and start slicing into the fruit. I construct our sandwiches and pack them into a basket I found lying around. I grab an old quilt and apply sunscreen on ourselves. And we’re off to the eiffel tower.
We sat at the very top, enjoying our lunch. We enjoy the picnic in blissful silence, just enjoying eachothers company.
“So, what do you think of having dinner with Alya?” I ask breaking the silence.
“Would I get to stay as Chat?”
“Only if it makes you feel comfortable.”
“Okay then.”
“Great, I’ll send her a text when we get home.” By now we had finished all of the food, I leaned into chat, soaking up the sun.
“Okay, we might want to leave soon, you must feel really uncomfortable in black leather under the sun.”
“That sounds good.” We pack up our things and leave for home.
The air conditioning in the apartment felt nice after an afternoon in the sun, it wasn’t so bad with it being fall and Paris having mild weather, but the metal did burn a bit and Chat’s outfit not only attracts public attention, but the sun’s rays. I wiped out my phone and sent a quick text to Alya.
‘Hey, I was wondering if you still wanted to do dinner with both of our soulmates, we’re pretty busy both of us but we think that Assumption day being a day off for everyone would be a good day to get together for dinner if that works with you.’ I sent the message and pulled out my sketchbook to design as I waited for a reply.
After an hour my phone pinged with a text from Alya.
‘Sure, sounds good! What time works for you? I’ see you in a few weeks!’
‘Dose 5:30 work? Or is that too early? I’d like to help a bit with the cooking, I’ve been teaching Chat.’
‘That’s a perfect time, and feel free to join me, how about we all make dinner together, you don’t know Nino that well, I only know of Chat, and the boys have yet to be introduced.’
‘That sounds splendid! I’ll see you then.’
I moved in the message app to text Chat who had to leave for a spontaniouse photoshoot for his dad.
‘Hey, Assumption day, 5:30, dinner with Alya and her soulmate?’ I was about to set down my phone when he replied.
‘Sounds good’
‘Hey, I thought you were in the middle of a shoot?’
‘Yeah, so? My girlfriend texts, I respond.’
‘Go back to work Chaton’
‘Okay, okay, I love you, bye.’
‘Love you too.’
I went into my bedroom and flopped onto the bed. I had no class, Chat was busy, I had been designing dresses for the past while and it got tiring. I could do my Homework, wait, I finished it yesterday. Today, I get a me day, a day all to myself. I got off the bed, ran a bush through my hair and slipped on some shoes. I decided to pick up some fabric for designs. I also needed to order another dress form mannequin. As I exited the apartment, I ran into Molly.
“Good afternoon Molly!”
“Marinette, I thought your soulmate was Adrien? Adrien Agreste?”
“Pardon me?”
“Well, when you first moved in, Adrien came and upgraded you, he claimed to be your soulmate. Then this morning on the news, I found out Chat was your soulmate.” She looked at me confused. “So either you have two soulmates, or they’re the same person.” panic serged through my body. Did she know?

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