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I poured water over a napkin, soaking it. I held my breath as I ringed it out so it would be damp and held it over my mouth as a makeshift filter. It wasn’t perfect and I still inhaled a bit of smoke, but it was the least I could do to help my situation as I scoured the building helping trapped guests. I watched as Chat led them out, not knowing I was still in there, I needed to be fast. I couldn’t find any more people so I turned around to get out but just at that moment, a flaming beam fell through the air landing on me, pinning my body to the ground.
My napkin flew from my fingers and I started taking heaving breaths of smoke filling my lungs. There was a long nail that imaled my side, keeping me from moving. I want a firefighter to come in for me because Chat, my love, has already inhaled so much that I was surprised he was still on his feet. My vision started to blur when I saw a black figure coming towards me screaming my name.
I count the crowd.
“Wait. Where's Marinette?”
I saw a hand shoot up. “She helped me and a lot of people get out, I thought she was right behind us.”
“She’s still in there?!” I scream and run back in for my soulmate. “Marinette? Marinette!” I call catching sight of her drifting in and out of consciousness trapped under a block of wood. There were firefighters right behind me as I heaved the wood up and off of her. I had to keep from vomiting when I saw her blood dripping off of a stick of metal.
“Get her out of here! Now!” I watched one pick her up gently and bring her out to the ambulance right before I fainted from smoke inhalation.

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