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There was a light snow when we arrived, Adrien wanted to arrive as Chat, but we compromised on a black cat hoodie for him to hide under. The sun was releasing it’s last few rays of light yet it still was fairly dark making the light coming from the bakery even easier to spot. Through the window, I could see the last few customers finishing their food and my parents wrapping up. As we approached, the last family filed out of the warm building and I opened the door as they walked down the street. The chime of the bell and the smell from the loafs of bread, mixed with the scent of frosting from the cakes, made me finally feel like home. I didn’t realise how much I missed this feeling, I felt perfectly fine back in paris, I was homesick. The last few months, I felt depressed, not just because of what Lila said, but because I was missing the warmth of home.
“I’m sorry, but we’re just closing up for the day.” I watch my mama come out from the back room at the sound of the bell. “Marinette! Welcome home sweetie!” she walked over for a hug. My dad came out soon after and joined the hug. I pulled away.
“Mama, papa, this is Adrien, my soulmate.” he shuffled his feet nervous even though we discussed this on the plane that we’d just revealed to my parents since he only recently told me that he told his dad.
“But, I thought your soulmate was Chat Noir?” My dad asked. We nodded. Realisation came over their faces as they put 2 and 2 together.  “Oh, well either way, it’s very nice to meet you young man!”
“Nice to meet you too.” Adrien stuck out his hand to shake, but my parents ignored it and went in for a hug. Adrien was surprised at first but soon relaxed into it. The hug lasted longer than I expected. Eventually I was able to get them to keep from suffocating him in the hug by telling them that I smelt something starting to burn. They ran to the kitchen to save the peaches from being over cooked. I slipped my hand into Adrien and we followed my parents up the stairs to where the house part was.
“Wow Marinette, your family is so cool!” Adrien said, his eyes practically glittering.
“Just wait, they're a bit weird.” I reply, nervously laughing. We entered the room where we found my parents setting the table with warm dishes of tourtiere, with a fresh salad, and roasted peaches on the side.
“Thank you mr. and mrs. Dupain chang, this looks and smells amazing!” Adrien commented as we all sat down.
“Your welcome Adrien dear.” My mom giggled.
We all started eating, Adrien’s eyes lit up at the first bite.
“Marinette! This is delicious! Why haven't we made this dish yet?”
“You cook together?” my dad asked.
“All the time, Marinette’s been teaching me!”
“Marinette used to love cooking as a family all the time! I’m glad you two do it together now.” My mom joined in. “She was a mess at first, oh! Let me see if I have any photos!”
“Mom! No please.” Mom stood up and ran over to a cabinet, searching through it.
“Aha! I found them!” she called bringing back a small photo album. I groaned, letting my face be buried in my hands. Mom and Adrien were intensely going through the album with my dad giving occasional commentary.
I had a struggle eating and hiding my face at the same time. As soon as the book was closed and everyone finished eating, I brought Adrien up to my room.
“I really like your parents!”
“Thanks.” Adrien studied my room. “Yeah, I know, it’s really pink.”
“No, I was going to say that it’s cute.” blush grew on both of our faces.
“Okay,” I turned my head, “We should probably get ready for bed, it’s late.”
“Mhm,” Adrien nodded. We changed facing away from each other. We left  to use the bathroom individually.
Once we were all ready, we curled up under the blanket.
“I love you” I yawn.
“I love you too.” We snuggled up and fell asleep in eachothers arms.

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