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I was walking out of school when my phone pinged with an email from the Agreste company.
‘Dear Madam Dupain-chang,
We thank you for the application you submitted regarding the internship at the Agreste company. We will notify you with a list of dates and time to schedule an interview with Mr. Gabriel Agreste. We will contact you when the possible meeting times have been decided. Please prepare a winter line to showcase. Four sketches, and two sewn pieces. Two of the sketches and one of the pieces should be female wear while the other half should be male wear.
Thank you,
Natalie Sancoeur’
I felt a bit of excitement at this email, I knew that all the other applicants were receiving the same email, but it’s still something to feel happy about. My joy was short lived. ‘Don’t you look attention seeking? First with the interview with Chat and now trying to intern under Gabriel Agreste who is your boyfriend’s father.’ I leave campus, my classes over for the day, trying to find a nice patisserie to calm me with a small scent of home. I should probably tell Chat about lila, we’re a team, he’s my soulmate, I can’t keep this from him. ‘Ah, hiding behind your boyfriend I see. You're weak with him, either you can tell him and have people hate you from a distance, or, you could just not tell him and keep from anyone disliking you.’
I walked into a warm shop. I ordered a croissant and a warm hot chocolate. I sat down at a corner table facing away from everyone. My movements felt robotic, I wanted to cry as I sipped my warm drink, but I couldn’t, why should I cry over the truth? I look at the email again, starting to rethink it.
“Ah, hey Marinette! I didn’t know you liked this place too!” Lila came up behind me, glancing at my email. “Oh, you applied too, huh?”
“Y-yeah.” I mumbled.
She came around to the other side and sat down. “Don’t you think that’s a little much?”
“Pardon me?”
“I’m sorry, it’s just that, first you get the guy, then the professor is a fan of your work, if you try and get into the internship, well, it would look a bit bad.”
“Your right.”
“I’m just trying to- wait, what?”
“You're right, I’ll look attention seeking, I was just thinking about maybe not continuing with the intern application.”
“You just do what feels right for you, okay? Don’t feel pressured to choose. See you tomorrow.” She stood and left. I can’t believe I’m listening to her, I despise her, yet she makes so much sense. Chat, I should tell him, but what if he agrees? I picked up my food, I lost my appetite and brought it home for Chat.
I plastered on a smile as I walked through the door. I look around and see that Chat was gone. My smile immediately dropped. I didn’t want him to see me down. Boardness came over me so I looked at my phone, almost immediately, an Adrien ad popped up. Outside, billboards were covered in his face, I didn’t know  how he dealt with it, at least he didn’t have much of a choice. He was born into the Agreste family and he became a hero to help people, attention came with that. I had a choice, I was tied to him by the string, but I chose to go to the interview and am choosing to apply for the internship.
I heard the balcony door swing open and chat walked in.
“Hey Purrincess.”
“Chat.” I stick on the smile hoping he wouldn’t notice.
“Sorry I’m late, I was late for the shoot so we had to go a bit over time.”
“It’s okay, want to help me prepare some pasta? I’m in the mood for it.”
We go through our eveningly schedule, me wearing the fake smile. That evening turned into days, all merging into one. There were few days I remember distinctly such as the dinner with Alya, Chat and Nino hit it off instantly and texted constantly from that day forward. I also remember the interview, I had my designs all ready and was so nervous that I couldn’t stop shaking. Chat calmed me down that day saying that even though he wouldn’t be in the mask he’d be right behind the door sending love and emotional support.
The days grew colder and soon, me and Chat as Adrien were flying off to England to meet my family. Over the winter holiday’s was when Gabriel would choose his intern, but I forgot about it with Chat by my side. While all this happened, My thoughts grew louder and more suffocating as I suppressed them from being seen by Chat, I just wanted him to enjoy a warm Christmas again.

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