Everything Stays

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Song: Everything Stays - Rebecca Sugar & Olivia Olson (Adventure Time)

*WHEN IT'S WRITTEN NORMAL, means present)

‘Let's go in the garden’

Alastor gets up from his sitting position to look around the almost empty flower shop and sighs on defeat.

‘You'll find something waiting’

Alastor entered with a big sincere smile into the little flower shop called 'The Garden' it wasn’t a very original name but it was perfect since you could find any type of flower in there.

Hearing the bell ring, a young woman turns around to see her favorite person in the world standing in front of the door.

“Welcome back, hon” her smile was so radiant that Alastor swore that the sunflowers turned to face her shining face.

“Good morning, darling” he approached and grabbed her delicate hand to leave a small kiss.

‘Right there where you left it lying upside down’

He decided to take a last look around at the place that once made him happy, as if all the darkness in his life would disappear at the moment that he put a foot in here. But now, the colored walls were dull and monotonous, the floor needed a bit of cleaning and there weren’t as many flowers as it used to be.

‘When you finally find it, you'll see how it's faded’

“So, how is my favorite florist doing?” he said as he sat down in the chair next to the counter.

“Oh, everything is perfect” she said while preparing a bouquet “I have six orders for today and I’m only a couple dollars away from reaching my goal”

“That’s wonderful darling” he clapped his hands “Now, where are you going to place the new flower shop?”

The woman’s smile slowly drops down “About that”

‘The underside is lighter when you turn it around’

With a bitter laugh he grabbed the rusty chair and decided to smash it on the old counter and with the leg that came off from the chair, Alastor started destroying everything that was in front of him as his maniac laugh resounded throughout the little shop.

‘Everything stays right where you left it’

“You what?” he said in a quiet voice with his eyes filled with shock, disbelief and betrayal.

“I-I’m leaving, Alastor” she repeated with the same shy tone in her voice and looking down at her hands.

“Why?” he simply asked, he couldn’t understand, and his brilliant brain seems that it started failing since he couldn’t think straight.

“I got a letter from my grandparents in England, they wish to spend the little time that they had left with me” she looked up at his eyes “B-But I’ll write everyday, I swear I’ll never forget about it”

‘Everything stays
But it still changes’

Eventually, his laughs slowly started becoming heavyhearted sobs at the same time as tears begun to fell down from his eyes. Dropping down the broken chair’s leg he slumps in his knees while gripping tightly his hair with one hand while the other presses hardly in his chest in a desperate try to calm the aching pain in his heart.

Looking down he noted that under his knee was a picture, taking it in his hands he sees a happier version of himself hugging a smiley (h/c) haired woman in front of the flower shop.

‘Ever so slightly, daily and nightly’

He looked around and finally understands why the place wasn’t filled with flowers like the others times that he spent in here.

“B-But you are coming back, right?” he wanted to stab himself for stuttering like that “You go, live with your grandparents until they die and then you come back” he hopes to receive an affirmative answer “And you don’t need to worry if you don’t have a place to stay when you return, darling, you’re always welcome in my house”

“Well, that’s a way to say it… but no, I’m not coming back… I-I’ve met someone”

‘In little ways, when everything stays’

With a trembling smile in his lips and a crazed look in his eyes he stands up from his position and saves the picture in his pocket going towards the exit. Only to grab the gallon of gasoline that he left before.

‘Go down to the ocean
The crystal tide is rising’

“Why!? I-I don’t understand” he shouted angrily.

“Because it’s everything I wanted, Alastor. Parental figure, a flower shop and a family of my own” she sighed “Besides, this place isn’t safe anymore, I’m afraid to walk alone in the streets” she rubs her arms “I-I already booked the sail’s tickets”

‘The waters' gotten higher as the shore washes out'

The tears in his eyes keep trailing down to his face as he twirls around the little space washing it with gasoline. Once the galloon was empty, he left it on the ground and took the lighter out of his pocket giving the place one last look.

‘Keep your eyes wide open, even when the sun is blazin'’

Ever since that day, Alastor refuses to talk with (Y/n) and decided to ignore her. He couldn’t see her again, knowing that she would leave him anytime soon, he was enraged, agony but more than anything, he felt betrayed, like a thousand knives in his back, at first he thought that this was his karma, his punishment for a life of sins, with (Y/n) being the only source of true happiness in his miserable world and now she was going away.

He couldn’t let that happen.

‘The moon controls the tide, it can cause you to drown’

Cleaning the place up before closing, (Y/n), being illuminated by the moon’s light, hums an old song she heard on Alastor’s show, she was extremely sad to leave the city, but she needed to do this, she wanted to have more in her life than just a little flower shop and a friend. She had ambitions and wishes.

The doorbell rings and the young woman turns around to face the person “I’m sorry, but I’m closing—” she stops herself once she sees Alastor at the door “Alastor” she smiles gently approaching the man in front of her “I’m happy to see you again” she hugs him.

Alastor leaves something on the floor next to the door and hugs the girl and hides his face in the crook of her neck.

‘Everything stays, right where you've left it’

“Don’t leave” he murmurs against her skin.

“Oh Alastor” she sighs “I can’t do that”

“I’m not giving you a choice”

“Excuse me?” she tries to pull apart from the hug but the he held her tighter and then she felt something sharp on her back “A-Alastor?”

‘Everything stays, but it still changes’

He lifts his face to look at her eyes, the eyes of the woman that he loved the most, the woman who he will spend the rest of his life with, those eyes that now where filled fear.

“You’re staying here, with me”

‘Ever so slightly, daily and nightly’

How come she didn’t notice this before? Deep inside, she knew that something was wrong with him ever since the murders started but she chose to ignore it and now she was paying the consequences.

“A-Alastor” she tried to reason with him but failed miserably when she felt the sharp object being pushed into her skin.

He covered her mouth with his other hand without taking his eyes off hers. Now he knew that she felt the same pain that he went trough. The rage, the agony and the betray.

“You will never leave me, we will spend the rest of our lives together”

‘In little ways’

Watching her life leaving her body, and her once brightly eyes are now dull and dark.

Falling into his knees, he held the body closer to his chest and started rocking his body while tears started falling down from his eyes. Softly he lays the body on the floor and gets up cleaning the tears off his cheeks.

Alastor gets up from his sitting position to look around the almost empty flower shop and sighs on defeat.

‘When everything stays’

(A/N: I hope this wasn't very confusing)

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