Yours Sincerely.

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Song: Goodbye to a World - Porter Robinson.

A young Alastor held the hand of his friend. He didn’t want to let her go, she was the only person that didn’t treat him like a weirdo and now she was leaving him forever.

“Alastor” she giggles and kisses his forehead “I’ll write you every day, I swear”

“Still” he mutters looking down “Do you really have to leave? What if you forgot about me?”

She holds his cheek and lifts his face to look at his eyes. She always had a calming aura around her, he loved her reassuring smile. He felt so safe with her.

“I will never forget you”

(Y/n) pulls a little package out of her bag and hands it to Alastor.


Alastor grabs the package and tries to open it.

“No, no” she giggles “That’s for later, when you start missing me” she winks at him and kisses his cheek.

“(Y/n)!” her mother calls her from the car “We need to go before the train leaves”

“Yes, mom!” she takes a step away from the boy “Bye, Alastor. Don’t you forget me” she runs to the car and enters inside of it.

Her father starts driving away, as soon as they were out of his view, Alastor opens the little package. It was full with letters.

A couple of days passed and Alastor was sitting on his room reading all the letters she left him over and over again, he couldn’t wait any longer and every five minutes he was looking through his window hoping to see the mail man.

Luckily for him, the mail man was walking closer to his house. Quickly running towards the front door, he opens it and face the man in front of him.

“Oh, good morning, Alastor” he checks his bag “I got something for you from Los Angeles” he pulls off a letter.

Alastor grabs the letter and nods at the mail man “Thank you, sir” he closes the door and runs back to his room to read the letter.

‘To my dearest, Alastor:

Los Angeles is… different, I guess. At least my parents are having fun. My dad’s hard work is paying off since we are doing better economically and my mom started a cooking club with the other moms of the neighborhood.

I started the Lady’s Catholic School, we learn everything about God and manners. It’s not that bad…

Nevertheless, I miss you and I can’t wait to hear something from you.

Yours Sincerely, (Y/n) (L/n).’

Alastor treasured every letter she sent him, he always responded her as soon as he could. The days become weeks and the weeks, months.

Even though he rather having her by his side, he had to be okay with her letters.

'My dearest, Alastor:

Today we went to have breakfast at one of my dad’s friend house. My parents were excited to make me hang out with their friend’s son.
He is a nice young man, his name is Woodrow White and he is a good company.
But he does not compare to you in any way. I wish you were here with me instead.

As always, I miss you dearly.

Yours Sincerely, (Y/n) (L/n)’

Alastor look at the letter with cold eyes, and crumbles it throwing it to the side of the room. Standing up, he leaves his room.


‘My dearest, Alastor:

I had not hear a word from you in a long time. Is everything okay?
Or maybe I’m overthinking things. However, I got the highest grades on my school, my professor says that I’m 100% wife material and I’m happy for that… I think.
I really wish I could study other things like the boys do.
Today Woodrow showed me all the subjects he is studying and I was kind of jealous, luckily, he teaches me some things that a ‘lady’ should not study.

I feel like a rebel.

Yours Sincerely, (Y/n) (L/n).’

After Alastor finishes reading the letter, he rips it in pieces and throws it on the trash bin. He didn’t want any letter related to him and he didn’t want to write back, at least not yet.


‘Dearest Alastor:

I did not receive your letters. Are you receiving mines?
I am going to be so mad to the mail man if he is losing all my letters.
My life in Los Angeles is getting better every day, I made new friends! (They would never replace you, though)
I really wish you were here, you would love them.
I cannot wait for your reply, I want to know what is happening with your life.

Sincerely Me, (Y/n) (L/n).’

Alastor was mad, he knows he was being selfish but he couldn’t respond. How could he ask her to stay away from other people? That he wanted all her attention for himself.

When she was with him, he could easily scare the other ones away from her, but now it was impossible.

Deciding to rest from her letters for a while, he throws her letter to the bin and thinks a way to get rid of the horrendous feeling on his chest.

Months passed by and Alastor found a new… hobby to keep his mind occupied from her. He didn’t even read her letters anymore, he lets them pile up to the corner of his room. He also starts a little radio show during the morning.

One day, he goes to his little mailbox and opens it hoping to see a letter but he didn’t find any. Thinking that maybe she forgot to write him, he closes it and decides to go on his day.

However, the days after, he didn’t get more letters from her. He had to admit it, he was a little lonely since his parents… ‘passed away’ and now that she didn’t send him more letters he felt a little hurt.

Going to his room, he grabs a random letter she had send him and opens it.

‘To My Love, Alastor:

By now, I know that you are not receiving my letters -took me a while to realize- or you are just ignoring them like a jerk.
So I will be writing all my feelings towards you on this piece of paper.

I love you.

I always have and I swear to God that if you write me telling me to run away with you to… I do not know. Mexico, maybe? I would accept without second thought.
Because I am stupid, helpless and I really want to get away from this life.
So far, I am starting to think that you were the only one who cares about me.
But, who knows?

I bet that you are not going to reply anyway.

So… fuck you for forgetting me.
Unless something happened to you, which… I am sorry if that is the case but if it is not…
Go fuck yourself, I am still in love with you.

Yours Faithfully, Sincerely and Dearly, (Y/n) (L/n) ♡’

He wanted to stab himself… Why did he stopped reading her letters again?

Pride? Jealousy? Arrogance?

Standing in shock, he chuckles a little and saves the letter on his pocket, his day brightened as the light of his life was confessing her feelings towards him. Grabbing another letter he decides to read it.

‘Dear… Whoever is receiving this letters:

I wish that I never left my real home.
Los Angeles is good, but the people living on here are the worst.
Woodrow has been acting strange lately, he insists that we are mean to be but… I am starting to hate him.
I realize that he has been nice to me only to get a sexual favor from me.

What an asshole.

My parents keep pushing to him, even after I told them that he only want to sleep with me but they do not care.
My friends are telling me how lucky I am to have his attention…

Nobody listen to me.

Alastor was a good listener, he would know how to deal with people like this…

(Y/n) (L/n)’

He frowns at the letter. How dare they?
Well… he wasn’t any better, after all, he has been ignoring her. But he would change that, hell, if he had to move there and kill everyone who hurts her he would do it without hesitation. He grabs another letter and opens it.

‘To The Only Peak of Sanity That I Have Left:

I am not doing so well in here.

I think that I am just going to pretend that somebody, someday would read this letter and save me from this living hell.
That would be nice.

Every day I wonder how Alastor is doing.
I hope he is doing well.

… I miss him.

(Y/n) (L/n)’

Alastor puts the letter to the side and sighs. He’s really acting like a jerk, isn’t he?

Finally deciding to write back, he grabs the last letter she sent him so he could answer to the recent news she had for him.

‘To Whom It May Concern:

I do not know why I keep writing this letters.

Perhaps it is the hope that someday I will get a reply from someone I loved dearly once in life or maybe because it is my only escape from my horrible life.
I am getting married to a man that abused me so he could claim me as his. My ‘friends’ do not stop looking at me like I am a cheap hooker and my parents would not talk to me until I am married.
I now know that nobody really cares about me.

I wish I had Alastor with me.

He was really smart, he would know how to escape this situation and he was the only one who made me feel like I had somewhere I belong.
I truly hope he is doing well. I had not hear a word from him on the last six months. I guess he forgot about me… -Even when I asked him not to do so- but that is fine.

I mean, I hope he forgot about me so I can leave this world without any type of guilt.

This is the last letter I would ever write and if by any chance someone reads it I would like to apologize for reading such a depressing letter.

Forgive me...

Please… forgive me…

(Y/n) (L/n)’

Alastor’s hands start shaking as he finishes reading the letter, he notices that the paper had little stains of water as if the person writing this letter was crying.

He falls on his knees as tears starts forming on his eyes.

She said that she loved him and she was asking to be saved.

And he ignored it…

He ignored her…

He feels how the only light on his world vanishes forever.

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