Pain- Chloe Lukasiak

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//Where you help Chloe when she's sore from dance//

//Y/N's POV//

Chloe was a very hard worker, but there were times she pushed herself too far. Today was one of those days. After not dancing for four years, it really took a toll on her body. Specifically her legs and back. You two were supposed to hang out at your place and go swimming later, but when she limped into your room, wearing a fake smile to hide her pain, those plans were cancelled.

"Chloe, baby, you gotta rest your body. This isn't healthy. You're gonna hurt yourself." You spoke, getting your chair from the corner of your room and sitting her down on it, beginning to massage her shoulders. Her shoulders slumped immediately, a groan of relief leaving your girlfriend's lips.

"I know, but I have to catch up to everyone if I wanna be in the dances." She spoke, showing that she was a little frustrated. You knew how passionate Chloe was about dance, but hurting her body wasn't the way to do it. You moved to crouch in front of her, gently resting your hands on her thighs.

"Chlo, I know how much you wanna get back to dancing. I do. But hurting your body and taxing yourself day after day isn't the way to do it. Your flexibility and technique aren't gonna come back overnight. It takes time. And you need to give your mind and body that." You spoke, Chloe opened her mouth to object, but she knew you were right. She let out a sigh, nodding as she turned around, silently asking for you to rub her back. God was she tense. You knew she'd be coming over a lot more after this. Then you got an idea.

"Okay, put your hair up in a bun. I'll go run a bath for you, okay? You can borrow some of my clothes." You spoke, Chloe going to object before you covered her mouth with your hand.

"No, it's not too much of a hassle, and I don't mind doing it. I want the best for you, and you're not objecting. I won't allow it." You spoke, Chloe smiling to you before she gently pulled your hand away, flipping her head upside down to put it up in a bun. It was definitely gonna be a self care night.

After one bath, a few massages, some make out sessions, face masks and movies, Chloe seemed to finally be relaxed. You had her wrapped up in your arms, resting her head on your chest as your cheek was on top of her head. Your legs were tangled together and you could tell Chloe was getting tired, using your free hand to lightly run your hand along her back. Your mom had already okayed it for Chloe to spend the night, so you didn't have to worry about that. This was a good night. Chloe in your arms, relaxed, comfy and..passed out? You looked down to notice Chloe's eyes shut, soft breaths leaving her lips. You laughed quietly before pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Love you too, Chlo-Bird.."

//Hope you liked this! I know it's not my best! I should hopefully have something out tomorrow!//

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