Jealousy- Brooke Hyland

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//You and Brooke have a fight//

//Y/N's POV//

"Look, okay! I'm sorry if I'm worried! But you never listen to me!" Brooke yelled at you, and all you could do was laugh a little.

"I don't listen? Do you know how many times I've put stuff off because of your stupid worries?! Brooke, it's my cousin! Nothing is going to happen!" You yelled, thinking back to about a half an hour ago. Your cousin was up for a few days, and you and your cousin had always been close. When the two of you were young, you guys were taking pictures, and your little baby self had moved and it looked like you were kissing their cheek. So it kinda started a thing, so you guys kissed each other's cheeks in pictures. No big deal. Brooke even knew the story! So when she pulled you away and started snapping at you, you weren't gonna take it. Yes, Brooke was overprotective, you were okay with that, but it was your own cousin.

"I know it's your cousin this time! But who will it be next?! Your old crush? A celebrity? My brother?!" She yelled, hearing your cousin leave. You were surprised they'd stayed for 20 minutes of it. Letting out a sigh, you ran a hand through your hair, walking away from Brooke to pack your stuff.

"Where are you going?" Brooke spoke stern, unplugging your phone charger as you looked over at her.

"I'm leaving, and I'm not coming back till you realize how crazy you sound right now! You flipped out over a kiss on my cousin's cheek for a picture! And accusing me of cheating on you with your brother in the future?! Brooke, I love you. I do, but you need to get your jealousy in check." You spoke, grabbing your bag and walking out of the door, still not even realizing that had happened. But the moment you heard Brooke's knees hit the floor, and heard her sobs getting louder and louder.

That was when your heart truly broke.

//ahhh I hope this is good! I've never done a fighting one shot before so let me know please! Hope you like it!//

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