Unexpected Ending- Chloe Lukasiak

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//Unexpected ending between you and Chlo-Bird//

//Y/N's POV//

Chloe was one of the people who always cared and did things for other people before herself, she'd even do it in a hospital bed! She literally promised a friend a ride after she was out of surgery! This time, she'd hurt her ankle dancing, and you were out in the hallway with her. You gently wiped away her tears, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"I d-don't wanna let Miss Burke down.." She sniffled, while her ankle had twisted and cramped, but with the way it had happened, it looked like she'd broken it. Chloe had been working for hours non stop, and she hadn't had food or water in a few hours, cause she was pushing herself so hard. You'd tried to get her to take a water break, or to just catch her breath for a moment, but she wouldn't let you. And now hearing that wasn't even concerned for herself again, it was a sweet gesture, but you couldn't handle hearing Chloe not caring about herself first. It just tore you apart, and maybe your anger came out a little more than you wanted.

"Jesus Christ Chloe! Do you ever think of yourself?! Just once think for you, cause I can't keep watching you do this! I stand by you day after day, while you wear yourself down for other people, and you never care about how that affects you!" You yelled, watching her shocked face as you towered over her, knowing you were right. Crouching down, you gently cupped her cheek, tears in both of your eyes.

"I love you Chloe, I really do, but I can't keep watching you do this. And..if you can't start thinking about you over people sometimes, then maybe..we shouldn't be together." You spoke, tears falling as you slowly stood, Chloe immediately grabbing your wrists, terrified to lose you as her tears just streamed down her face, making your heart break.

"No no no, I-I'll be better! I promise! I-I'll take care of myself! Just please..please don't go.." She spoke, crumbling as you tried so hard to not cry. You had to do this, she wouldn't learn any other way. Pressing one last kiss to her head, you slowly got out of her grasp, walking away as both of your guys' hearts broke that day.

//aaahh this is sad. Hope you liked this!//

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