Chapter 16

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Kate's pov


I chuckled to myself and pressed my head against the back of the tree I was pushed up against. My eyes continued to trail over the girl that walked away, a smile crept onto my lips as Jess waved

"Anndd cut. Perfect, great work today everyone. We'll take a break and start filming again soon" May said

The cameras went dim and a bell rang through the entire room, alerting that the crew was free to walk on set

I stood to my feet and headed towards my chair, the crew immediately ran over to strip me out of my clothes. I swear I'll never get accustomed to this

"Hester, Wilson. My office now" A voice said, it was the male director

My heart rate exceeded expectations upon hearing the man call out my name, I knew they were going to talk to us about the headlines but God knows I wasn't ready to hear what they had to say

I glanced around and saw Autumn walking towards the office

"I'll be right back" I said to the crew who nodded and stepped away with her brushes

I slowly made my way over to the office, my heart pounding in my throat with each nervous step I took. What could they possibly say? Maybe they'd yell and throw around papers, or maybe they'll place everything behind us. God I wish It was the second one

I pushed open the door and saw Autumn sitting on a chair directly in front of the dark oak office table, neither of the directors were in there.

I slowly closed the door and took the seat available right next to her, the girl's eyes were glued to the wall in front of her, avoiding my own gaze

Was she really not going to say anything about what happened?

"I... Um, I'm sorry. I really am, about what happened last night. I shouldn't have hit you-"

"Is that it?" her voice cut me off, I glanced at her but her eyes were still glued to the wall

"Um.. Yeah.." I mumbled again

"Good. Now shut up" She hissed

My browns instantly furrowed, confused by her sudden reaction.

"What? " I asked

What's making my head spin are the transitions. I know everything is 'need-to-know' and 'last minute' for a reason, but there are days it feels like my brain cells have been randomized.

"I don't wanna hear anything right now, just stay quiet" she hissed

One moment she's yelling at me for no reason then the next minute I'm in the background at best.

"What the hell, I'm just apologizing" I mumbled

"You really can't take orders, can you?" she asked

"Not when they're coming from you" I spat

"Whatever" Autumn mumbled

The door of the office was then clicked open and in came the two directors, their eyes glanced at us then at each other as they made their way to their seats

"As you know, there's headlines about you two having some fight in a diner last night" May said

"What in the hell went through your minds" The man groaned

"I was just apologizing about that incident, we were having a heated discussion which led to it being physical which it shouldn't have been" I said

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