Chapter 106

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Narrator's pov


"Ah shit"

"What the fuck is gonna happen!"

"Would y'all shut the fuck up-"



"Oh for fuck sakes"


They rode on horses that trampled through earth's creation, destroying what was birthed by the land and turning it into mush filled with a path of dirt where they ran

The thundering of hooves split the silence as the stallions galloped through the landscape. The wind wisped their mane into the air like flames, after all they were a flame colored chestnut. Their muscles rippled from under his freshly groomed pelt and powerful legs, something their owners lacked

"Jess" Daisy muttered

But the girl hadn't moved an inch, her eyes looked at each rider on horsebacks, heading their way

"Jess" she muttered again

But there were still no changes, nothing flicked in her brain. There was no fight or flight, there was simply nothing

"JESS" the brunette screamed, catching the attention of the taller girl

"Shit. We gotta go" Jess hissed as she gripped onto the girl's wrist

"What's going on?" she asked

"We just have to go. Now" Jess hissed, spinning on her heels to run

The sound of metal grinding against each other, loading the barrel of a riffle was heard. The two containers watched Jess at eye level and the smell of charcoal and smoke filled her nostrils

"One more step and I blow the both of you to pieces" His voice sounded like the feeling of a fallen icicle, pricking the skin

Jess stayed still once again, knowing if she only budged they'd be a blood war in the middle of the field

And the fact that she couldn't lose Daisy. Not again.

Blue eyes stared down the barrels of the riffle, somehow not feeling threatened. There was no emotion in her when it came to the man and his machine standing in front of her. She was far too accustomed to dealing with them both in another lifetime. Time after time, the same scene always happened again. Whether in her mind or in her journey. It was always the same. A gun brought into a fight when she least expected it

She could only hope to do better the next time. Or the next. But she just couldn't seem to break that loophole. It was always the same

Daisy's grip on her arm was the only thing she focused on, her fingertips trembling against her skin was enough to have her heart drop into her chest

A feeling of swelling filled in Daisy's throat, her entire body slowly started to tremble when that actual panic started to settle in

The fear sat on her like a pillow over her mouth and nose, slowly suffocating everything that was good and creating a darkness. Enough air got by it, allowing her body to keep functioning, but it was crippling all the same

"Well well well" A voice came from behind

The sandstorm had caught up to them sooner than they had thought. Horses surrounded like carrying men that had scowls on their faces. Their brown rough leather throw overs matched their gun cases, as if it was sewn from the same animal they had killed. Their dark leather booths touched the ground, bringing more sand to the air as they slowly walked towards the girl

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