Chapter 64

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Narrator's pov


"You're so cute" Kate giggled

"Cute isn't what I'm going for" Autumn rolled her eyes

"Right, you're going for daddy. I know. But you can be adorable when you want to" Kate smiled


"Oh hush you, come on let's get back in there" Kate laughed as she intertwined her fingers with the girl's

"I don't wannaaa" Autumn pouted when her body was tugged towards the kitchen door

"Come on, let's just get it over with for your sister's sake. I'm sure she just wants to go home" Kate said

Usually Autumn wouldn't care at all about the satisfaction of her parents but she knew the smaller girl didn't deserve to be dragged into any of this. So it was the most she could do, hurry this discussion up for the young girl to leave sooner

"Ugh I hate it here" Autumn groaned

"I know, but it's okay" Kate said


"Because at the end of the day, they're not apart of your life and you don't have to listen to anything they say. Sure they're your parents but they damn well don't act like it. Plus, you have me to annoy tomorrow morning with music" Kate giggled

"Bu- wha- did you just give me permission to annoy you!?"



"Oh.. Oops" Kate giggled

The two girls walked back into the kitchen, their eyes immediately glanced at the young Hester to make sure she was okay. The girl gave a small smile before returning to her meal, their parents still chatting their throats away on the other end

"I wonder what's for desert" Kate mumbled as she adjusted herself in her chair




"I'm trying to eat"

"And I'm trying to eat yo-"

"Oh for fuck sakes" Kate glared as she playfully swatted the girl on her arm, causing her to giggle

Their eyes locked as they glanced at each other, Kate's wide smile never failing to make the girl's heart race in her chest

"Right, where were we?" a deep voice interrupted them, causing the girl's to swing their heads away and clear their throats

"Your series premiere is next week" the mother said

"You have to walk the red carpet with someone. Maybe we'll get her Millie, she's recently had some hype from that movie she just finished and there's rumors of a second. It won't peel the attention off Autumn but it'll still bring out more photographers at the premiere" the mother said, causing Autumn to furrow her brows

"What?" she asked

"Good idea, I have her publicit's number and I can call her first thing in the morning"


"We must have her wearing a dress, it would be barbaric for her to show up wearing rags. She literally looks like she's wearing it now" The mother scoffed

"Excuse me!?"

"Don't insult the child Vanessa, she thinks she's independent so she wears what she wants to" the man said

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