Chapter 104

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Narrator's pov


Written across Kate's face was nothing less than proud. Manifesting your dreams and watching them come alive in front of your eyes does something to the soul

"I had the pleasure of meeting Ms Wilson at her audition. May Hills had me come in to assist her in choosing someone fit for the part and also someone that can handle my personality because we all know it takes a whole lot of strength" Autumn said causing the crowd to chuckle softly

"I saw Ms Wilson's audition tape a few minutes after she left and I was highly impressed. I also had the pleasure of meeting Ms Wilson just hours before and I can honestly say, I've never met someone like you" Autumn said as she glanced over towards her girlfriend

The room was as cold as the movies, buttery scented popcorn flowed from noses to noses of Ethan and Jamie. A few death glares were given to the teenagers for having such cheap snacks with them

"Eyes front before that Rolex on your wrist goes missing" Ethan glared at a few strangers as he continued to much on his buttery popcorn

"Stop threatening the guests!" Kate hissed

"They threatening me with them eyes" Ethan groaned

"I'm happy that we brought Mia Jackson's script to life" Autumn's voice faded away when Kate's eyes drifted towards the people in the front row of her


"What's wrong with him poking your cheeks?" A blonde asked

"He ain't poking the cheeks on my face!"  the brunette said again

"But my fiance isn't here" A Hispanic boy pouted

"No fucking way" Ethan muttered

"what?" Kate asked

"No. Fuckingggggg. Way" Ethan muttered again

"What? Spill it"

"That's... They're... They.. Are-"

"The Gays, yes hi. Nice to meet you" A brown skinned girl smiled as she turned around from her seat to face Ethan

All heads in the front row spun around to face Ethan, Kate and Jamie. It was only then did Kate's eyes widened when she realized who was sitting in front of her

"Luna fucking Amon" Jamie gasped

"At your service" The brunette smirked

"Aelia Green!?" Ethan squealed

"Hi" The blonde chuckled

"Yes, it I. Maddy Amon, half ruler of hell and Amon industries. Come on, hype me up too" Maddy rolled her eyes

"Oh hush you" Mia chuckled

"Mr Jackson I'm such a fan, oh my god" Ethan grinned

"Mr Jackson? Haven't had anyone call me that ever since that trip down south" Zack smirked

"Shut up you bottom"




"You love my bitch ass" Luna smirked

"My god" Mia rolled her eyes

"Mia Jackson. Hi, I'm one of the actors on your script" Kate smiled as she held her hand out towards the girl

"Yes, Kate Wilson right? I've seen your tapes and I've been behind the scenes a few times, I just haven't been in sight" Mia chuckled as she shook the girl's hand

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