Chapter 82

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Narrator's pov



"I'm sure you did" Kate giggled at the boy through the phone

"You should have seen her after we were done"

"Wait what?" Kate asked

"Oh... Did I forget to mention that we..... May have.... Might have..... drop kicked her ass at the gate, dragged her by them purple extensions and beat her face with her heels after we left the studio? Silly me" Ethan giggled

"Oh my God. You did not!"

"It's all over the headlines too, Singer Brooke gets a mugshot without an actual mugshot" Jamie snickered

"How are you two not in trouble" Kate laughed

"Because the paparazzi loved us and we gave them some vogue type poses. Ahh the press ate us up, we love that" Ethan smirked

"Excuse me? You know damn well you lied to the police and told them we're homeless people on the road corner and she stole our cash" Jamie yelled

"...shut up I wanted to sound famous for once! Ugh"

"I.. I honestly cannot with the two of you" Kate chuckled

"SOOOOO how's you feeling for your first date with Ms Ocean eyes over there?" Jamie giggled

"I- um"

Kate's heart still hadn't stopped pounding in her heart since Autumn held her in her arms. There was nothing more she loved than having the attention of those blue eyes

Things were changing and she had no idea how to take it, she had no idea where it was leading to but she knew she wanted it

Being unsure of our future is destined to happen, but taking risks to make sure we're happy in the end is what it's all about

"Is that even a question? You know she's freaking out over there"

"Kate? Kate are you okay!?"

"I'm going on a date with my celebrity crush, do I seem okay to you!?" The brunette questioned

"Awwwwwwww" The two cooed through the phone

"I can only imagine. Too bad Troye Sivan has that restraining order against me" Ethan sighed

"Don't worry Eathy, you'll find someone" Jamie chuckled

"All of my friends are coupled up and I'm at home hugging a bottle vodka and a potato chips at night. I'm big sad" Ethan whined

"Who said anything about being coupled up?" Kate questioned

"Girl, y'all dating. I don't care what you say. Y'all. Are. Dating. Periodt" Ethan and Jamie hissed causing the brunette the chuckle softly

"Idiots" Kate giggled

A soft knock on the door peeled Kate's attention away from her phone screen as she snapped her neck to the direction

"Hey I just- wow" Autumn whispered when her eyes caught onto Kate's body

"You what?" Kate asked

Blue eyes slowly left hers and travelled to her pink lipstick that brought out the tone of her pink cropped top. Autumn's eyes then trailed down her toned stomach and met the high wasted jeans that hugged Kate's body perfectly, stopping with a pale pink shoes. The girl's hair looked as bright and bouncy as it could be, flowing over her chest and barely brushing against her cheek, a few strands lingering around her face that stopped Autumn from staring into those perfect milk chocolate eyes

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