Chapter 33

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Narrator's pov


"Oh" Kate mumbled, her eyes slowly drifting towards the actress sitting on her seat

"Go get yourself prepped" May smiled before heading off to fix a few technical problems with the camera

Kate made her way over to her chair, her eyes still lingering on the raven hair girl beside of her

Was she really pretending to get to know her because she wanted her car back?

Answers Kate wouldn't cave to hear but the truth might as well rip her small heart apart

The makeup artists immediately flocked to the girl, ready to start their transformation of turning Kate into her character, daisy

"Autumn" She whispered, the raven hair girl didn't budge

"Autumn!" she whispered again but still nothing


"WHAT DO YOU WANT WILSON"  Autumn yelled

"You" Kate smirked, causing the girl's eyes to widen with different expressions

One of utter shock, especially since her makeup team was literally right in front of them and amazement at the fact that it was so suddenly but confident from the usual disgusted girl

"What the-"

"See, now I've got your attention" Kate chuckled softly causing the girl to roll her eyes

"Oh for fuck sakes" Autumn groaned

"Oh come on, hear me out" She smiled

"I don't want to hear anything"

"You sure?"


"You sure sure?" Kate teased, Autumn's neck snapped to give her a glare

"Are you serious right now"

"Dixie chick serious" Kate smirked, somehow she had managed to bring a small smile on Autumn's lips

"I love that movie" Autumn chuckled

"White chicks?"

"Yep, it's actually funny unlike some of these new movies that try to push comedy in their tags when in reality it's a natural disaster film because my ability to watch it is going down a landslide" Autumn scoffed

"Well damn, you didn't have to roast them like that" Kate chuckled

"It's just facts, movies these days are trying to hard. We can recognize when they're trying to pull off a joke or making something cliché to fit it. I can't remember the last time I felt goosebumps from watching a movie" Autumn shrugged

"So what movie brings you goosebumps Autumn?" She asked

"The greatest showman" Autumn answered, Kate turned to face the girl with her brows furrowed

"Really?" she asked

"What, didn't expect a mean old witch like me to like musicals?" Autumn chuckled

"No no. It's just.. That's my favorite movie" A sweet smile crept onto her lips


"Yep, I used to watch it ten times a day. I know it's a weird thing to say but I really liked it" Kate chuckled

"What's your favorite song from it?"

"This is me is very powerful, it just... Makes my heart fawn everytime. And I like from now one because of the high notes at the end" Kate smiled

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