Chapter 71

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Narrator's pov


Most of us land crushes on people far out of our leagues. If we do not know them then we tend to fall for their beauty, inside and out.

Those small lines that formed on their cheek when they gave a genuine smile, the small raise in their brow when the thought of something pure came across their mind or that little side smirk they do right before they chuckle

The small things we notice because it's the only way we learn them. We see them more than anyone else emotionally, we crave to learn their hearts just as well as their physical touch

Kate and Autumn were placed to learn of each other, it was only a matter of time before they started to see each other more than just that annoying human they work with

Things had changed since that interview. Hell, things changed during their first kiss.

It only takes one small step over that boundary for you to see someone completely different

And so that's exactly what happened. They crossed that line and now they were stuck. Stuck in their own heads on what to do and if it was true

Kate's heart exploded in her chest when Autumn spoke, something tugged at her nerves with a match and lit her emotions on fire.

"I should tell you that more often" Autumn chuckled softly, making the brunette's heart flutter in her chest

Autumn's fingers cupped the girl's chin, lifting it slightly to face her own. Her pencil thin eyebrows raised into an arch when she noticed something

"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" Autumn asked

Kate's eyes flung wide open as a new source of adrenaline flung through her veins

"What?" Kate muttered

"I know you Kate, something's been bothering you for a while and you're not telling me about it" Autumn stated

"Oh so you know me now?" Kate chuckled causing Autumn to tilt her head to the side slightly

"Your mother works at the hospital as a nurse on weekends, she graduated top of her class but got pregnant with your sister before she even started collage which meant she joined late but that's when she also got pregnant with you. She stayed home to take care of the two of you but your father was a deadbeat, still is a deadbeat and she took alot of pressure from that. And as much as she didn't want to, she turned into her own version of him when your older sister passed away three years ago. You were the only one that was strong and quiet frankly, you still are. You've never missed a class, your homework is always on time and you pay attention to every single detail because it's something you're known to do" Autumn said

Her hand slipped onto Kate's waist as she tugged the girl into her own chest while her other hand still gripped under Kate's chin, tilting her eyes to meet her blue orbs. The brunette was lost in her own mind, her heart already racing at Autumn's words and being so close to the actress. But she was also lost in herself at the fact that Autumn studied her

"You've helped your mother as much as you could, you've picked her up at her friend's house, tucked her in when she was all stained with vomit and you've cleaned up after her just to keep her safe. You have an eye for detail because you want to make sure everything is right, all of your life you're known for making things easier and making sure everything is followed through and you do it for people, never for yourself which is why you're pushy. Unfortunately a few weeks ago I mixed that up with annoyance but as time went by, I started to learn you. I learnt the real you. And I'm happy to know her. So yeah, I do think I know you. Well atleast half of you and I'd love to learn the rest, if you'll have me" Autumn chuckled softly

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