Chapter 87

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Narrator's pov


Sugar, spice and everything nice-
Yeah I don't know what I'm saying but hi. Hello. Welcome back to another chapter where our two actresses interact some more

"Did you just call me a fucking cupcake" Autumn glared

"Yep, watcha gonna do about it?" Kate smirked

"Absolutely nothing" Autumn said

"Oh? Just goes to show how soft you are"

"Maybe I'm just soft for you" Autumn smiled


"Because your bitch ass can't get my dick hard" Autumn smirked

Kate's smile faded into the quickest gasp she had ever done, her eyes widened before she chuckled in disbelief


"yes. Yes I did" Autumn smirked


"Yeah well, I'm your idiot now so deal with it"

Kate's blush filled her cheeks, taking over with her smile and lightning up the room brighter than the morning sun

The soft silk covers fell over her shoulders, the golden rays piercing into the side of her face, making those coffee brown eyes looked like gold and her brunette hair almost blonde. Her soft lips looked like it had been dipped in honey when she ran her tongue along her bottom lip, sending Autumn's heart into spirals

Autumn closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath that she desperately needed, especially when being in the presence of the girl she had fallen for

"Come here" Autumn whispered as she placed her hand on the girl's hips

Kate tilted her head to the side and raised a brow


"Because I said come here, are you going to listen or are you going to be difficult?" The raven hair girl questioned, causing Kate's cheeks to turn even brighter

"Okay daddy" Kate snickered

"Ugh, I swear my charm don't work on you anymore" Autumn groaned and shifted her body, throwing Kate off her waist and watching her land on the other side of the bed

"Oh come on! Yes they dooo" Kate giggled

"Nope. Don't even" Autumn groaned and she stood from the bed, the sheets rolling off her naked body like water as she stood tall, her back facing the brunette that was now wrapped in the sheets

"Wait nooo, come back here" Kate pouted

"nO" Autumn groaned as she started to make her way around the bed

"Autummnn" Kate giggled and she gripped the sheets wrapped in her body

"Nope" the actress stated as she walked past the bed


"What!" she hissed before spinning on her heels to face the brunette

But the panic took over Autumn's body when she noticed the brunette smirk, standing on the edge of the bed completely naked

With one push, Kate tossed her body off the edge of the bed and jumped onto Autumn's body in mid air

"AHHHH" Autumn screamed when the weight pressed on her back so suddenly, pushing her body down towards the dark wooden floor

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