Chapter 70

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Narrator's pov


"You like her alot, don't you?" Jamie asked

"I.. Um" Kate's attention was broken as she turned around to face her friends again

"Kate, talk to us" Ethan said in a more softer voice

"I.. I like her" Kate whispered

"Took ya long enough to admit it"

"I've always liked her. Ever since that interview she had, things just.. It changed. I saw a different side of her and.. I don't know, I guess I fell for it"

"And that's okay. You fell for her and that's okay. We know she's changed, she literally just thanked someone and gave them hundred of dollars for doing their job. The Autumn I knew a month ago wouldn't even step foot in this place. She's trying, we can see that. But we can also see what's going on between you two" Jamie mumbled

"I don't know what's going on-"

"The small touches? The little pecks of the cheek? You literally spent half an hour cuddling inside the car because neither of you wanted to leave the embrace. Kate, there's something there. You know and she knows it. I don't see why the two of you can't open your eyes and see that yet" Jamie said

Word after word seemed to register to the brunette. It felt like rocks being thrown at her heart, slamming against her chest with each sentence.

"You're scared, aren't you?" Ethan asked

"So fucking scared" Kate whispered

"Aw baby come here" Ethan mumbled as he reached his arm out

Kate buried her face into the boy's chest  as he wrapped his arms around her body.

It was only natural to cry when we feel frustrated, hate, anger, pain. Look up to the clouds, hoping for an answer. The salty release flowed down her cheek and merged into the thing fabric of Ethan's shirt, her chest rising and falling slightly as she lost control of her breathing. When they feel cold the water molecules lose energy and condense into droplets.

"It's okay" Ethan whispered and nodded for Jamie to place everything else into the car while he stayed there. The girl nodded and grabbed the rest of bags, heading over towards the car

"I'm just scared" Kate whispered

"I know sweetheart, I know" the boy sighed

"What if-"

"Stop with the what ifs Kate"


"But nothing. You're scared, I get that. You've never been serious with anyone and it's scary. It would be your first time having an actual connection with someone. And even though it started with sex as well as your past relationships, it doesn't mean it's going to end the same. She's different, you're different. You're both adults and you trust each other. You see right through her and she's learning you. I know you're scared Kate but I'm telling you, you need to take that risk. I can see it, she cares about you Kate. Everyone can literally see that but you. You trust me right? Then listen to me when I say there's nothing to be afraid of. Throw that deal out of the window and go for it Kate. And if things don't go to plan, which they will, we'll be here with our arms open and knives hidden in our bags to deal with any problem" Ethan grinned

Kate's brow furrowed as she slowly pulled her face away from the boy's short, only to find a smiling Ethan with pink stained cheeks but confidence in his eyes, she knew he wasn't joking about the knives

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