Chapter 69

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Narrator's pov


The teenagers sped up their pace, pushing the carts forward through the isles. Autumn's eyes landed on the colourful bags all organized on the top shelves leading down to chocolate bars

Her eyes twinkled like a small kid in a supermarket only this time she was an adult with an endless amount of money and a craving for junk

"GET IT. GET IT. GET IT" Autumn squealed as she reached her arms out towards the snacks

She barley gripped onto a few, pulling them towards her chest and snuggling onto them like soft teddy bears

The giggles filled the isles as their hearts pounded in their chest, afraid to look back and find someone chasing after them


"I can't reach that!"

"Lisa grab it!"

"we're not letting a fifteen year old hold beer!"

"Cant we though?"

"Gen z in a nutshell" Autumn giggled

"I'll make the turn, Autumn move fast!" Ethan smiled

The raven hair girl chuckled and nodded. Kate could see the plush pink on Autumn's cheek, glowing bright while her smile took over her face. She could act like she hated being pushed around in a cart like small kids but she knew she liked it. Kate smiled to herself knowing Autumn was having fun, letting go of the worries she'd have to deal with back home

"One. Two. Three. GO" Jamie yelled before they banked the corner

Autumn leaned over the edge of the cart, her stomach dipping over the rail as she grabbed the cases of beer. Her laughter filled the entire section of the room when she leaned back in, almost falling flat on her face

"Did you see that! Oh my God!" Autumn squealed

"You got some fast fingers there Hester" Ethan snickered

"Kate would know"

"AUTUMN" the brunette hissed



"I'm fifteen, not five" the small girl pouted

"See. She's cool with it" Autumn smirked, popping a chip into her mouth


"Jesus, WHAT"

"You can't eat that yet!"

"Why not"

"You have to pay!"


"IWOXOWKZJWI YES" Kate screeched

"Oooo do that again, I like when you go all cyborg on me" Autumn winked, causing the teenagers to burst out laughing at their friend who stood there burning red

"Oh my god" Kate groaned

"Y'all are so cute, I swear"

"They're literally goals and they don't see it"

"What?" the two girls asked in unison

"I said you're both goals and you don't even know it"

"I don't know what that means" Autumn mumbled

"Don't worry about it, Kate knows" Ethan chuckled softly before nudging the brunette's shoulder

They made their way up to an empty checkout about fifteen minutes after they had roamed around the cold area, gathering whatever they wanted

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