24: Cancer

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Okay, so thank you for reading!! Also I would just like to say it's a few years in the future, And Tarlos have a son named Noah. He absolutely adores Owen, and they find out Owen's cancer is back. So enjoy, and I do take requests feel free to leave them below, also I really appreciate votes, and comments..😊 Thank you!!

In Owen's office
TK's point of view
"TK, it's going to be just fine. I know it's a scary thing, but trust me I'm not going down without a fight." My dad said, and I know he was just trying to make me feel better. Honestly in this moment, I doubt anything can make me feel better. Cancer. He has been in remission since I married Carlos, almost 5 years ago. The cancer is back, it's not bad. They caught it early again, but the thought of losing a parent is a lot to deal with. "You don't know it's going to be fine. You're just saying that, what if..." I couldn't even finish my sentence, as just the thought of life without my dad was too emotional. I guess it's so emotional, because it almost becomes reality every week. "Tyler, I'm going to get the same treatment. They caught it sooner this time, than they did the last time. I will do everything I can to make sure I'm here to see Noah graduate, and maybe even get married."

"Relax dad, Noah's only 3. Let's just talk about kindergarten, before we jump ahead to graduation." I said, as we kind of laughed. It was the first time I even smiled since I stepped into his office today. It was supposed to be a nice day, I had the day off to spend with Noah. I brought him up here to see my dad, and the crew. Also my dad is taking him for a sleepover tonight, so Carlos and I can have a night to ourselves. "I'm just saying, I will be at all the important parts of your life, as well as his." I nodded my head, as I sniffed a bit. I was still hugging my dad, and truthfully that always helps. "When do you start treatments?" I asked, because it's important things I should know. "I start treatment on Monday, but they are optimistic. They think treatment shouldn't be as long as the last round was. Instead of 6 months, they said 4 months of chemo."

"Tyler, I know you're worried. You don't need to be, I feel healthy. The doctors seem very optimistic, we are going to be okay." He added on, and I nodded my head as we pulled out of the hug. Allowing me to finally wipe my face, before I started talking. "Do you need me to move back in with you to help? I mean you can't do this by yourself, you need someone for when you have your bad days." I asked as I finally thought back to that, and his shook his head quickly. "No, I'll be fine. You have your own house, and family. Besides I have your mother, she took the next 4 months off to help me when, and if I need help." I nodded my head, and felt kind of relieved when he said that. I'm not relieved about not needing to help him, but that my mom took time off to help him.

"Wait, you told mom before you told me?" I asked honestly, confused by that. He nodded his head, like it would of been an obvious answer. " yeah, she was at the appointment with me. Also she was my ex-wife, and now she's my current wife. I can't exactly not tell her, I mean she has to find out eventually." He added on, and I just nodded my head along. "So, when does she get back from her trip?" I asked, changing the subject. I can only talk about his cancer for so long, even the last time I could only talk about it for so long. "She will be back tonight, she cut it short when she found out. She debated canceling it entirely, but I told her to go. I would be just fine, besides I have you if I really need anything." He paused for a minute, before adding on. "Which I won't. You know besides way more nights with my grandson."

At home during dinner
5 pm
"Ty, are you going to eat? Or are you just going to keep moving your food around?" My wonderful, amazing husband asked, and truthfully it really just pissed me off. I mean what right does he have to ask me that? Why does it even matter if I eat or not? "Why does it even matter? Just worry about yourself." I said, raising my voice for the end of that statement. He clearly wasn't expecting that, he eyes doubled in size as he just stared at me for a moment. "Woah, okay. Babe, are you okay? Do you wanna talk about whatever it is?" He asked, and I know he just wants to help. He just wants to fix whatever problem I'm having, but he can't. No one can fix it, and he is happy it pisses me off. My dad's sick, and Carlos doesn't have a care in the world. I know I sound crazy, because he doesn't know.

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