18: DATING??

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Hello, and thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. In this one shot that whole dancing/clubbing night with Paul didn't happen. I just thought this was kind of a funny idea. I hope you enjoy! Also if you don't mind, I really appreciate it when you guys leave comments. I just love hearing what you thought, or even your reactions towards different sections of this. Thank you!

I do also take requests so if you ever have any, don't be shy. Leave them in the comments, or direct message me. I will get them done as soon as possible.

At The Fire Station
TK's point of view
"Damn son, they got you good." Judd said loudly as he walked into the locker room, where we get dressed when we arrive to work. "Yeah, I noticed that too." I heard Mateo add on, and I just continued getting ready. I had no interest in whatever weird conversation they were having today, so I'm just going to them talk. "He's obviously got himself a man, that he hasn't told us about." Paul added on, and I quickly snapped my head up when I heard that. "Oh, so now you care to pay attention." Judd said, before he walked out of the room huge grin and all. I sighed, before I fully turned around.

"Okay, What are you guys talking about now?" I asked, because I was really only half listening to their conversation. I'm still dazed from spending my day off with Carlos, and even this morning with him. Carlos even drove me to work this morning, that's why I'm here so early he had to be in the same time as me. I mean it's no secret now, I don't think. I'm not gonna go telling everyone, I mean my dad knows. I pretty sure he told Michelle as soon as we started hooking up, so she knows. I'm not going to make some huge formal announcement, it's really not that big of a deal.

"Oh, you don't know?" Paul asked, with this all too annoying smirk. I really had to try not to roll my eyes at him, sometimes the team gets very nosy.  I just shook my head, hoping for an answer that everyone seems to know. "Maybe you should look in the mirror, you have a big love mark right on your neck. You would think you'd be a little more careful, if you didn't want us to know about your new guy friend." He said, before patting my shoulder and heading out. Now it's just me, and that annoy mark Carlos couldn't put anywhere else.

At this point it's like Carlos is wanting someone to notice, which is weird. I mean the team already love him, even though they don't know we're dating. My dad adores him, which is kind of creepy. My dad hasn't ever liked any of my boyfriends, well till now. It's kind of weird, I mean they go to the farmers market together on Saturday mornings. It did creep me out at first, but now it's kind of getting better. I'm not exactly hiding him, I'm just keeping him to myself. We've been dating for 5 months now, I'm happy. I'm just not ready to share that with everyone, I know no one has a problem with it. It's just the fact that there is always that little voice in the back of your mind, and it's telling you keep it to yourself.

An hour later
I heard someone walk up beside the rig, as I was busy cleaning it. I was up top wipe things down, and I didn't even bother checking who it was. "Are you really hiding from your dad? All because your boy got a bit carried away?" Judd asked as he climbed and started helping me wipe the lad and railings down. It's way more complicated than that, I wish that's all it was. I sighed, before I finally looked at him and shook my head. "No, and yes. It's kind of complicated." I mumbled quietly, before I turned my attention back to cleaning. "Well, make it less complicated." He replied, as he glanced up towards my dad's office.

"Wait, is it because he doesn't know about the new guy yet?" Judd asked, like it would be so shocking for my dad to not know. I couldn't help, but shake my head at that question. It would be that way, if my dad wasn't constantly asking where I'm going. I know it's to keep me safe, and whatever, but I am an adult. He's just worried about me, and wants to keep me from using. "No, he knows. Trust me he know, they like to hangout." I said, and I clearly sounded annoyed. Judd couldn't help, but laugh at that which I guess is understandable. "Okay, so they know each other. So, what's the problem with that?" Judd asked as he pointed towards the spot, which my uniform can't cover.

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