2: Family Dinner

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Car accident
Carlos's point of view
I showed up a few minutes later than the first responding team. When I showed up the scene was being secured, as the 126 was pulling in. I was already pretty informed, before showing up as I was placed in charge of this accident. I start approach the truck as Owe... Captain Strand climbed out first, and his team followed shortly behind him. "Captain Strand, we have a double car accident. First car was all fine, only two people in and they were able to get out without any help. The second car has three inside, the passenger is pinned in. The child in the back is pinned as well, we though it best to wait for you and medical before trying to remove them." I said quickly as we approached the two smashed up cars. "Alright, thank you officer Reyes. Team you heard him, TK get the jaws and Marjan start checking BP." I heard Owen tell his team as they all quickly got to work, and I stopped listening as I know I have more then enough paperwork to be doing. I also have many witnesses to talk to, I mean the list goes on honestly.

I'm in the middle of talking with a young man who saw the accident, and as I'm recording it for evidence I saw Owen trying to get my attention. I have already talked to three other eye witnesses, and all the stories are matching up so I'm pretty much done with the witnesses. "Alright, thank you for your time. You're free to go, have a good night." I said as I walked away from the witness, and towards my cruiser where Owen was standing. "Captain Stand, What can I do for you?" I asked as I finally approached him. "Actually, we are all done here. I know your department takes over from here, but I had a question for you. Are you and my son fine?" He asked quietly as if it was a secret conversation, which I guess it technically is. "Yeah, from what I know we are good." I said kind of caught off guard by his question.

"Okay, well when is your next day off?" He asked and I was still pretty confused by this whole conversation. "Monday is my next day off, the department has been giving us more days off recently." He just nodded his head, and smiled at me. "Okay, well come over for dinner. I only see my son at work it seems, so this way I can see him on our day off." He said smiling, there is definitely something else going on here. "Okay, and sorry about taking him from you that's really not what I'm trying to d..." I started and he was quick to interrupt me. "Carlos, shut up. I didn't actually mean it, your not taking him from me. I just meant he doesn't spend as much time at home, so this way he can do both. And we will have to get to know each other eventually, so might as well start now." He said, and I wasn't exactly shocked anymore. He did seem like that type of a guy, you know interrupt when someone starts to say something pointless. "Yeah, I guess you're right." I said, before TK came walking over to us. "Cap. We're ready to head out. Hi Officer Reyes." He said waving when it registers to him that it was me on the call. "Hi TK." I said back turning to smile at him. "Alright, officer Reyes make sure you send me that paperwork. And you, we don't have all night, so let's go." I just nodded my head when he said the first part, and couldn't help but laugh when he pointed to TK for the last half.

At the station
TK's point of view
"Dad, What were you two actually talking about?" I asked as we were walking up towards the kitchen. "Talking to who?" He asked like he had no clue, I just rolled my eyes at him. You have to humor him sometimes. "What were you and Carlos talking about?" I asked as he look shocked for a second, before replying. "Oh, that's his name I couldn't think of it. I kept thinking Kyle, or Carson." He said as if I was going to drop this subject. "Dad, I know you remember his name. I'm not dropping this that easy, so might as well just tell me." I said as I stopped and finally turned to look at him. "Fine, are you two having problems?" He said, and I really wasn't surprised, he always gets into my business. It annoys me so much, but he always says I'm just looking out for you. "Dad, you have to stop digging into my personal life. Carlos and I are just fine, why do you think something's wrong?" I said not realizing that we now had an audience containing the rest of the 126 team.

Tarlos one shots जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें