23: Premier idea

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Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed! Also who's excited for the premier tonight!!!?
I hope you enjoy, and I know this probably won't happen in tonight's episode, but I can still dream lol. As always I do take requests so if you have any feel free to leave them below. Also votes and comments are always greatly appreciated. Thank you!!

Arriving at Carlos's house
Carlos's point of view
"Hey, guys." TK said as he entered the house, mainly talking towards Paul, and Marjan who we sitting on the couch playing on my X-box. He waved at Mateo, as he headed straight towards me. "Sorry I'm late, I got a little caught up in something." He said kind of quietly, I'm assuming so the rest of them wouldn't hear. He looked not himself today, which I've been noticing more and more lately. I didn't really have time to question it, since we have quests and he got distracted by the food. "Is that plate for me?" He asked as he pointed at the plate I was holding, which was all loaded up. "It can be." I said smiling at him, before leaned in for a kiss. It's just become a usual thing in our relationship, I always just make his plate. "Thank you, babe." He said, before he went to sit down.

Yeah, he's definitely not acting like himself. Like it seemed normal, but somethings off. Usually he's not this tense, I could just be reading too far into it. It could just be that other people are here, because this has always been "our" place and now other people were here too. I keep saying our place, but it's still only my place, unfortunately. I keep trying to ask, but it always gets ruined in some way. The first time was the day his mom showed up. Well, no one knew she was coming. She just showed up to surprise TK, you know after getting shot. Even though she didn't even show up until 2 months had passed, since he was shot. Nothing against her obviously, but at that point he was working again. So I mean it was kind of bad excuse, or reasoning to see him. I know she doesn't need a reason, or anything to see her son but she was definitely trying to find a reason for the visit.

The second time was an even bigger train wreck, it was such a mess. I wanted to ask after we hadn't seen each other in over a week, because of our schedules not lining up. We didn't see each other, because TK won't come over late he thinks it's going to disturb my sleep. Well, I got shot. I was fine, it wasn't a huge deal. It hit my vest, but Michelle instead I go to the hospital to get checked out. Yeah, so I was stuck there. And when I got home, it was late and TK was worried so it wasn't good timing. I had it planned so perfectly too, and it just got messed up. I stopped at the fire station to have our weekly lunch together, and I gave him a key to my house. He was getting off sooner than I was, so it made sense. Well it was the key I had made for him, and he ended up leaving at my house, and it's still here. Ugh, he can be a little clueless sometimes.

The third, and last time I had a whole fancy dinner planned, but he got stuck at work till 3am. It was some big traffic collision, so he got stuck there. I tried staying up, and waiting for him. I fell asleep, because I might of been a little exhausted after I had to work almost a double that day. Okay, so maybe that wasn't exactly the best time to ask. I see that now, but it seemed like such a great idea that night. I was only running on a few hours of sleep, and two five hour energy's at that point. I'm just completely stumped now, I mean every time I plan a way to ask it gets messed up. We just have such unpredictable work schedules, so it's hard to plan ahead for big events. Also, Owen's in remission now. So Ty isn't constantly stressing about his dad now, which was never a problem.

After everyone left
"Alright, I've been patiently waiting. What's..." I started to ask, before he immediately hid himself in my shoulder. I waited a few second, till I felt him shake slightly as I heard quiet sniffles. "Ty, it's going to be alright. Just talk to me." I said quietly, as I gently rubbed up and down his lower back. I waited for a reply, as I turned my head to plant a few kisses to the shell of his ear. "Here, come sit down for a minute." I said, as I slowly moved us over to the couch. I sighed quietly as we sat down, well Ty practically sat in my lap as I wait a few moments before pushing on the problem. "Ty, I'm sure whatever's bothering you is going to be just fine." I sighed, as I just continued to rub his back, soothingly as I waited.

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